Currency Symbol problem
Hi All,
My Server side code:
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("MYR"); // Malaysia Code
int num = 12345;
I want to print this in a JSP Page by using numberFormat.format(num).
When I executed the above code in a browser with setting en-us language,
it is showing MYR 12345 like that showing. I want to show this like
RM 12345.
How to solve this?
Any help or idea is greatly appreciated,
Sreenivasulu Arveti.
View Answers
October 13, 2010 at 9:26 PM
The java.util.Locale class defines the available local:
If you call the Currency.getInstance(local); then it will give you Currency of that local. But it some cases it Currency is not available then it will give exception. So, while getting the currency for a local put it in the try can catch block.
The following code examples prints the currency of locals if avaialble.
<pre class="prettyprintlang-java">
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
public class JavaCurrencySymbol {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Getting currency symbold by specifying the locals
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US);
System.out.println("United States: " + currency.getSymbol());
currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.UK);
System.out.println("United Kingdom: " + currency.getSymbol());
currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
System.out.println("France: " + currency.getSymbol());
currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
System.out.println("France: " + currency.getSymbol());
//Displaying currency symbols of all the locals
Locale[] locals = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
for (int i=0; i<locals.length; i++){
Locale local = locals[i];
Currency curr = null;
curr = Currency.getInstance(local);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Local is: " + local + ", Currency Symbol is: "
+ curr.getSymbol());
System.out.println("Local is: " + local );
The output of the code is as shown below:
C:\1111>java JavaCurrencySymbol
United States: $
United Kingdom: GBP
France: EUR
France: EUR
Local is: es_PE, Currency Symbol is: PEN
Local is: en
Local is: es_PA, Currency Symbol is: PAB
Local is: sr_BA, Currency Symbol is: BAM
Local is: mk
Local is: es_GT, Currency Symbol is: GTQ
Local is: no_NO, Currency Symbol is: NOK
Local is: sq_AL, Currency Symbol is: ALL
Local is: bg
Local is: hu
Local is: pt_PT, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: el_CY, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: mk_MK, Currency Symbol is: MKD
Local is: sv
Local is: de_CH, Currency Symbol is: CHF
Local is: en_US, Currency Symbol is: $
Local is: fi_FI, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: is
Local is: cs
Local is: en_MT, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: sl_SI, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: sk_SK, Currency Symbol is: SKK
Local is: it
Local is: tr_TR, Currency Symbol is: TRY
Local is: no
Local is: en_GB, Currency Symbol is: GBP
Local is: sr_CS, Currency Symbol is: CSD
Local is: lt
Local is: ro
Local is: en_NZ, Currency Symbol is: NZD
Local is: no_NO_NY, Currency Symbol is: NOK
Local is: lt_LT, Currency Symbol is: LTL
Local is: es_NI, Currency Symbol is: NIO
Local is: nl
Local is: ga_IE, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: fr_BE, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: es_ES, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: fr_CA, Currency Symbol is: CAD
Local is: et_EE, Currency Symbol is: EEK
Local is: sr_RS, Currency Symbol is: RSD
Local is: es_US, Currency Symbol is: $
Local is: es_MX, Currency Symbol is: MXN
Local is: in_ID, Currency Symbol is: IDR
Local is: ru
Local is: lv
Local is: es_UY, Currency Symbol is: UYU
Local is: lv_LV, Currency Symbol is: LVL
Local is: pt_BR, Currency Symbol is: BRL
Local is: hr
Local is: et
Local is: es_DO, Currency Symbol is: DOP
Local is: fr_CH, Currency Symbol is: CHF
Local is: es_VE, Currency Symbol is: VEF
Local is: en_PH, Currency Symbol is: PHP
Local is: fi
Local is: de_AT, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: es
Local is: nl_NL, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: es_EC, Currency Symbol is: $
Local is: be
Local is: is_IS, Currency Symbol is: ISK
Local is: es_CO, Currency Symbol is: COP
Local is: es_CR, Currency Symbol is: CRC
Local is: es_CL, Currency Symbol is: CLP
Local is: en_ZA, Currency Symbol is: ZAR
Local is: el_GR, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: it_IT, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: ca
Local is: hu_HU, Currency Symbol is: HUF
Local is: fr
Local is: en_IE, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: uk_UA, Currency Symbol is: UAH
Local is: pl_PL, Currency Symbol is: PLN
Local is: fr_LU, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: nl_BE, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: en_IN, Currency Symbol is: INR
Local is: ca_ES, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: es_BO, Currency Symbol is: BOB
Local is: en_AU, Currency Symbol is: AUD
Local is: sr
Local is: pt
Local is: uk
Local is: es_SV, Currency Symbol is: SVC
Local is: ru_RU, Currency Symbol is: RUB
Local is: sr_ME, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: sq
Local is: be_BY, Currency Symbol is: BYR
Local is: bg_BG, Currency Symbol is: BGN
Local is: in
Local is: mt_MT, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: es_PY, Currency Symbol is: PYG
Local is: sl
Local is: fr_FR, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: cs_CZ, Currency Symbol is: CZK
Local is: it_CH, Currency Symbol is: CHF
Local is: ro_RO, Currency Symbol is: RON
Local is: es_PR, Currency Symbol is: $
Local is: en_CA, Currency Symbol is: CAD
Local is: de_DE, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: ga
Local is: de_LU, Currency Symbol is: EUR
Local is: de
Local is: es_AR, Currency Symbol is: ARS
Local is: sk
Local is: ms_MY, Currency Symbol is: MYR
Local is: hr_HR, Currency Symbol is: HRK
Local is: en_SG, Currency Symbol is: SGD
Local is: da
Local is: mt
Local is: pl
Local is: tr
Local is: el
Local is: ms
Local is: sv_SE, Currency Symbol is: SEK
Local is: da_DK, Currency Symbol is: DKK
Local is: es_HN, Currency Symbol is: HNL
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