
i used arraylist in servlet as shown

ArrayList <Integer> total = new ArrayList <Integer>();


when I code this like in my jsp
<%ArrayList<Integer> data= new ArrayList<Integer>(); %>

<%Iterator itr;%>
<% //List data;
data= (ArrayList)session.getAttribute("efg");
for (itr=data.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )


Its not printing the values. do i need to do any typecast or anything else. I'm sure mu k[i] have some value. please let me know.

View Answers

June 11, 2010 at 12:39 PM

Hi Friend,

We have send you the code which was working. Check whether the values of CARTUPDATE.jsp displayed on servlet or not. It seems that values are not getting from jsp to servlet.


November 24, 2011 at 4:05 AM

sorry someone could tell me or help send from this code as a catalog for me to print the session through the whole article and was printed as an ArrayList.

<! - The import ->
<% @ Page language = "java"%>
<% @ Page import = "java.sql.Connection"%>
<% @ Page import = "java.sql.DriverManager"%>
<% @ Page import = "java.sql.ResultSet"%>
<% @ Page import = "java.sql.Statement"%>
<center> <h1> Catalog </ center> </ h1>
if (request.getParameter ("submit")! = null)
String name = request.getParameter ("user");
session.setAttribute ("name", name);
out.println (name);
out.println ("lacking send button.");
   / / Connecting to bd
   Class.forName ("");
   Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: / / localhost/proyecto1", "project1", "123");

   if (! conexion.isClosed ())
      / / The query
      Statement st = conexion.createStatement ();
      ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery ("select * from product");
     / / Put the results in a html table
      out.println ("<table
      while ( ())
         out.println ("<tr>");
         out.println ("<td>" + rs.getObject ("id_producto ")+"</ td>");
out.println ("<td>" + rs.getObject ("nombre_prod ")+"</ td>");
out.println ("<td>" + rs.getObject ("price ")+"</ td>");
out.println ("<td> <img src=http:\\\\localhost:8080\\proyecto\\imegen\\"+rs.getObject("imagen")+"> </ td>");
out.println ("<td>" + rs.getObject ("description ")+"</ td>");
         out.println ("</ tr>");
      out.println ("</ table>");
      / / Close the connection
      connection.close ();
      / / Connection failed
      out.println ("failure");
catch (Exception e)
   / / Error at some point.
   out.println ("Exception" + e);
   e.printStackTrace ();
</ Body>
</ Html>
<p> <a href="agenda.jsp"> list of users </ a> </ p>
<p> <a href="ogin.jsp"> Home </ a> </ p>
<p> <a href="insertar.jsp"> register </ a> </ p>

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