Hide Close Button in Java Applet

I have an applet while running it is displyaing minimize, maximize and close button. I want to hide the close... button or close button. Java Applet Code - Show and Hide Buttons on Applet

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February 23, 2008 at 5:15 PM

Java Applet code to display minimize and maximize button on Applet and code for hiding any button or close button.

Java Applet Code - Show and Hide Buttons on Applet

You have to create two different files for it first is frames.java and second is frames.html.

Java file will contain all the Java Applet Code and in HTML define html code.

1. frame.java code

import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class frames extends Applet implements ActionListener {
TextField input,output;
Label label1,label2;
Button b1;
JLabel lbl;
int num, sum = 0;
Frame window = new Frame("This is the calculation frame!");
Button btn = new Button("Create new Frame to hide close button");

public void init(){
add(new Label("Please Click"));
window.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
window.add(new Label("This is the Frame."));
label1 = new Label("please enter number : ");
input = new TextField(5);
label2 = new Label("Sum : ");
output = new TextField(20);
// input.addActionListener( this );
b1 = new Button("Add");
lbl = new JLabel("This is the Swing Applet Example. ");

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
// num = Integer.parseInt(ae.getActionCommand());
num = Integer.parseInt(input.getText());
sum = sum+num;
lbl.setText("Output of the second Text Box : " + output.getText());
catch(NumberFormatException e){
lbl.setText("Invalid Entry!");

public boolean action(Event evt, Object whatAction) {
if((evt.target instanceof Button)){
String buttonLabel = (String) whatAction;
if (buttonLabel == "Create new Frame to hide close button"){
return true;
return false;

2. frame.html code
<applet code = "frames" width = "260"height = "200"></applet>

Try this code, it will show the desired output.

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