Hai i have a problem during deployement time.
Actually this is my first example.
I have already run one jsf application, that also be not run.
Actually right now i am learning stage. so please give me brief details.
The problem is paste on here.
description The requested resource (/SimpleHelloByEnteringName/) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.14
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JSF Installation on Tomcat will use
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JSF 1.2 Features on
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Version 9.0 or higher
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develope a web site using JSF,Spring,Hibernate.develope a web site
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To create the jsp page...; uri="http://java.sun.com/
jsf/core" %>
JSFJSF In what way
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JSF Examples in
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using JSF framework we should have
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Java... application
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I am
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public String button1_action... from
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