JSF Button

I want to make graphical interface in java ,in this graphical interface there are seven buttons ,first button Read data i must write code that i building avl tree and in every node there are info about bank name ,location,branch number,hash tabel size,#customized and every node must link with hashing tabel when i have enter many customer it must make rehashing ,the hash tabel function is x% hash tabel size and must be quadratic and when click on read data button must read from file in this manner # space bankname ,location,branch#,customer ID, name,balance.second button print nodes there are three choices inorder or postorder or preorder,third button insert customer,four button delete customer ,five button search customer,six button print data to file(in order)seven button exit and when the information must sort in file in alaphpitcal order ,,,and every button must run thats mean i want to write whole code

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