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dsn - JDBC
done our project with dsn name "hms"; and after that when we will give to client then it is only way to access the database by using create a dsn from controle panel to client computer by manual. or any other way to set dsn at client side
dsn problem - JDBC
dsn problem  dear sir , my name is sushil kumar sir please tell me how to create dsn (jdbc ) at run time . when we will give our project to client then any code by which dsn will allready create at client computer
Unable to Create DSN for
Unable to Create DSN for   I have installed Oracle 11g R2 and JDK7 in my Computer (Windows 7 Ultimate x64) . And, I want to work with Type 1 JDBC Driver. I'm unable to crate DNS for "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle", It gives eror
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ait-dsn'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ait-dsn'  Hi, My Python...-dsn' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ait-dsn... to install padas library. You can install ait-dsn python with following command
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ait-dsn'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ait-dsn'  Hi, My Python...-dsn' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ait-dsn... to install padas library. You can install ait-dsn python with following command
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-redis-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi, In your
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi, In your
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-mongo-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi, In your
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-redis-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi, In your
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-redis-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-redis-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi, In your
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-tornado-wrapper' error? Thanks   Hi
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-wechat-client'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-wechat-client'  Hi, My... named 'dsn-wechat-client' How to remove the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dsn-wechat-client' error? Thanks   Hi, In your
connect database without specifying dsn name in java
connect database without specifying dsn name in java  How can i connect the database with my application without specifying the dsn name by using jdbc & odbc..... i have saw this code on the web-site try
adding DSN in Data Sources - JSP-Servlet
adding DSN in Data Sources  I have added DSN the way you have told and it has been added in the data sources as online_exam is shown in the ODBC Database Administrator dialog box. But still code gives the following exception
the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch between the driver and application windows 7
the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch between the driver and application windows 7  sir, i m using windows 7 64-bit , 32-bit java...--- the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch between the driver
the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch between the driver and application windows 7
the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch between the driver and application windows 7  Hi, While developing a JDBC program...: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture
database connectivity - JDBC
DSN,then follow these steps: 1. Open Data Sources (Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4. Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) 5. Select database name
cannot insert data into ms access database - Java Server Faces Questions
  Hi Friend, You can use the following steps for creating DSN...->Data Sources(ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4. Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) 5. Select database name and Create the DSN name
JSP - JSP-Servlet
without creating DSN in control panel. If Possible tell me how. Thanks... without creating DSN in control panel visit to : http://www.roseindia.net/jsp
Error in Code - Development process
;   Hi Friend, You can use the following steps for creating DSN... Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4. Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) 5. Select database name and Create the DSN
"; Class.forName(jclass); String dsn= "Jdbc:Odbc:Employee"; Connection con= DriverManager.getConnection(dsn); PreparedStatement p... and where small.. What is :-- 1 dsn 2 forName 3 sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver 4
Not get ans properly
create DSN for program but I still not get answer It throws an Exception...;Create DSN connection: 1. Open Data Sources (Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4
connection with mysql with jstl - JSP-Servlet
what change should i do for With or without dsn. Any body tell me where i m... dsn- for with Dsn-   Hi, We have very good examples
JSP+MSACCESS  Hello, My jsp page while running in TOMCAT 5.5 gives me the error.(have created DSN EMP) error:java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
Jsp Program - JSP-Servlet
Jsp Program  Write a code in JSP to insert a record in product table with fields prod_id,prod_name,quantity,price.The table is created in MS-Access  Hi Friend, Try the following code: Here 'access' is our DSN
; Hi Friend, It seems that you haven't create dsn connection. So follow...->Administrative Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) Open User DSN tab Add a user DSN Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) Select database name and Create the DSN name
64 bit dll
64 bit dll  how can we use 32 bit dll in 64 bit OS..i getting the error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dsn in java.libra y.path at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source
Exception handling - JSP-Servlet
Exception handling  I have added DSN 'online_exam' in Administrative..., As you have told , it seems that u haven't created the DSN file in proper manner. It's throwing exception due to incorrect DSN as your code is working here
runtime error
runtime error  still i am getting runtime error as:the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch between the driver and application   Hi, This error is related to some OS related problem.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1 "dsn
regarding ms acces database and servlet - JDBC
haven't set up DSN connection. You can use the following steps for creating DSN connection: 1. Open Data Sources (Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4
JDBC ODBC Connection In Java
to create DSN etc. JDBC-ODBC Bridge As its name JDBC-ODBC bridge, it acts like... a DSN to use JDBC ODBC Bridge driver. The DSN (Data Source Name) specifies the connection of an ODBC to a specific server. How To Create DSN In Java.ADS
connect jdbc to an Excel spreadsheet
;Administrative Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) Open User DSN tab Add a user DSN... the DSN name (e.g excel) Click "Ok" and restart your compiler. Compile the following
java - JDBC
to create the DSN connection. Follow these steps: 1. Open Data Sources (Start... User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4. Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) 5. Select database name and Create the DSN name (e.g emp) 6. Click "Ok" Then create
dsn connection, then follow these steps: 1. Open Data Sources (Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4. Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) 5. Select database
jdbc front end - JDBC
(); } } If you haven't created DSN connection then follw these steps: 1. Open...(ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4. Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) 5. Select database name and Create the DSN name (e.g emp) 6. Click
insertin form data into databse and blank all form field when click on submit button
for creating DSN connection: Open Data Sources (Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tool->Data Sources(ODBC) Open User DSN tab Add a user DSN Select Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) Select database name and Create the DSN name (e.g emp
how to update values of a html form into an excel table using java servlets?
be loaded into an excel table automatically. i have created a dsn for excel
how to load values of html form into an excel table using java servlet?
be loaded into an excel table automatically. i have created a dsn for excel table
JDBC-SERVLET  while doing JDBC connectivity with servlet my driver is getting load but its giving exception for connection that DSN name not found where I have done settings for ODBC driver from control panel.   Please
connection with database - JSP-Servlet
connection with database  I tried the DSN and connection with the database by writing the program in java. Following is the code: import...++ VISUAL BASIC DBMS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and when I tried the DSN
("jdbc:odbc:air_dsn", "sa", "pass@123"); Statement stat = con.createStatement..."); con.close(); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:air_dsn","sa", "pass@123
Problem in my code - Development process
Problem in my code  Plz go thru this code. I want to check login and pwd with database. Backend MsAccess , Table name : Reg , Dsn Name: JJ While executing code am getting 404 error User Name Password
MS Access - WebSevices
help in solving problem. In this example we have first created a DSN named "emp
-click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon inside. Select System DSN tab. Click... to locate the database. Give Data Source Name (DSN). Click OK. Now we can use the DSN when connecting to the database. In the given
insert rows from Excel sheet into a database by browsing the file
user should give DSN in program. I need to insert rows by Browsing file to make
problem in jsp using ms-access
)Your DSN will get created. 6) Restart your server and run your jsp code. Here... DSN.   Follow these steps: 1)Go to the start>>Control Panel>... finish button. 4)Then give Data Source Name and click ok button. 5)Your DSN
Java JdbcRowSet Example
. To established a connection with the database it is required to create a DSN so I have created DSN by the name swing using Control Panel -> Administrative Tool -> Data Sources -> System DSN-> Add-> Microsoft Access Driver
Access Excel file through JDBC
;Administrative Tool->Data Sources (ODBC) 2. Open User DSN tab 3. Add a user DSN 4... the DSN (e.g excel) 6. Click "Ok" and restart your compiler.ADS