package spo.db;
import com.javaexchange.dbConnectionBroker.DbConnectionBroker;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class DBAccess
implements Serializable
public DBAccess() throws SQLException { try { prop = new Properties(); prop.load(new FileInputStream("")); String s = prop.getProperty("db.driver"); String s1 = prop.getProperty("db.url"); String s2 = prop.getProperty("db.username"); String s3 = prop.getProperty("db.password"); int i = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("db.min")); int j = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("db.max")); String s4 = prop.getProperty("db.log"); double d = 0.01D; myBroker = new DbConnectionBroker(s, s1, s2, s3, i, j, s4, d); } catch(IOException ioexception) { ioexception.printStackTrace(); System.err.println((new StringBuilder()).append("connection error").append(ioexception).toString()); System.exit(-1); } } public static Connection getDBConnection() throws SQLException { Connection connection1 = myBroker.getConnection(); if(connection1 == null) throw new SQLException("Cannot allocate connection from database connection pool."); else return connection1; } public static void returnDBConnection(Connection connection1) { myBroker.freeConnection(connection1); } public static String returnID(Connection connection1) { int i = myBroker.idOfConnection(connection1); return (new StringBuilder()).append("<h3>DbConnectionBroker</h3>Using connection ").append(i).append(" from connection pool<p>").toString(); } public static synchronized int getSeqID(Connection connection1, String s) throws SQLException { int i = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("db.code")); String s1 = prop.getProperty("db.seq"); if(i == 1) try { File file = new File((new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append(s).append(".dat").toString()); BufferedReader bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); int j = Integer.parseInt(bufferedreader.readLine()); j++; bufferedreader.close(); PrintWriter printwriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(file)); printwriter.println(j); printwriter.flush(); printwriter.close(); return j; } catch(Exception exception) { throw new SQLException((new StringBuilder()).append(exception.getMessage()).append(": Cannot get ID from ").append(s).toString()); } String s2 = (new StringBuilder()).append("select ").append(s).append(".nextval from dual").toString(); Statement statement1 = connection1.createStatement(); ResultSet resultset = statement1.executeQuery(s2); if(! { throw new SQLException((new StringBuilder()).append("Error when tring to execute: ").append(s2).toString()); } else { int k = resultset.getInt(1); resultset.close(); statement1.close(); return k; } } private static DbConnectionBroker myBroker; private Connection connection; private Statement statement; protected static Properties prop;
The above code are from I have try to make some modification to improve current connection pool. The modification are: -add a d detail log -add connection heading -more in info about database(source of db).
How to make those modification?