August 24, 2011 at 3:23 PM
<%@ page language="java" %>
<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="uploadFile.jsp" METHOD=POST>
<table border="0" bgcolor=#ccFDDEE>
<center><td colspan="2" align="center"><B>UPLOAD THE FILE</B><center></td>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"> </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Choose the file To Upload:</b></td>
<td><INPUT NAME="file" TYPE="file"></td>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"> </td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Send File"> </td></tr>
<%@ page import="*,java.sql.*,*" %>
String saveFile="";
String contentType = request.getContentType();
if((contentType != null)&&(contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0)){
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream());
int formDataLength = request.getContentLength();
byte dataBytes[] = new byte[formDataLength];
int byteRead = 0;
int totalBytesRead = 0;
while(totalBytesRead < formDataLength){
byteRead =, totalBytesRead,formDataLength);
totalBytesRead += byteRead;
String file = new String(dataBytes);
saveFile = file.substring(file.indexOf("filename=\"") + 10);
saveFile = saveFile.substring(0, saveFile.indexOf("\n"));
saveFile = saveFile.substring(saveFile.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1,saveFile.indexOf("\""));
int lastIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf("=");
String boundary = contentType.substring(lastIndex + 1,contentType.length());
int pos;
pos = file.indexOf("filename=\"");
pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;
pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;
pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;
int boundaryLocation = file.indexOf(boundary, pos) - 4;
int startPos = ((file.substring(0, pos)).getBytes()).length;
int endPos = ((file.substring(0, boundaryLocation)).getBytes()).length;
File ff = new File("C:/UploadedFiles/"+saveFile);
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(ff);
fileOut.write(dataBytes, startPos, (endPos - startPos));
%><br><table border="2"><tr><td><b>You have successfully upload the file:</b>
Connection connection = null;
String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/roseindia";
PreparedStatement psmnt = null;
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, "root", "root");
psmnt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into file1(file_path) values(?)");
psmnt.setString(1, ff.getPath());
int s = psmnt.executeUpdate();
System.out.println("Uploaded successfully !");
catch(Exception e){
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