Oracle 9i database problem

Hi Somebody has given the solution but i culdnot trace it Kindly tell Answer where u have posted. I beg all of the ROSEINDIA's Readers to give the solution for the Question what i asked below.Pl...........,send reply immediately. I have a problem in Oracle9i .I have installed Oracle 9i in my laptop.and i got sql+ page ok.i have gone to control panel->odbc->in that i correctley configured DNS and TNS and tested the Oracle and it tested successfuly.Now i clicked on SQL+ and i typed " scott" and password as "tiger" .now i got the page well.Then i created a new table and inserted the rows and columns data ,then i gave command select * from ....; .Then i got the table what i created .But after closing the SQL+ ,the problem started.When i again opened the SQL+ page and typed the command Select * from .....;.it is saying no rows are selected.Why the problem arised in not getting the data that i have created .Kindly tell me the solution.

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