What is ODBC

What is ODBC

What is Java ODBC and JDBC?

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February 25, 2008 at 12:50 PM

Method of type one driver is
Java prog.
JDBC Driver
ODBC Driver
Data base

Odbc drivers are written using Pointers concept in C language. Java does not support pointers concept.

In this case calls to data base are first received by JDBC driver. Then it will convert these calls to function calls understandable by ODBC driver (In terms of pointer concepts). These calls will be sent to the data base.

February 25, 2008 at 1:34 PM


ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) is basically an interface that provides a common API to deal with the ODBC compliant database management systems. The designers of ODBC tried to make it independent of programming languages, database systems, and operating systems. The application developed by using ODBC driver will be able to store data into any database management system that is equipped with an ODBC driver.
ODBC drivers are often developed in sub-components:

· An ODBC Driver Manager
· ODBC Drivers

The application asks to the ODBC driver manager to call to an appropriate ODBC driver.

The ODBC driver manager choose the appropriate ODBC driver from all the registered driver with that ODBC driver manager, loads that driver, and sends read or write requests using that driver.
The ODBC driver calls the ODBC function, submits the SQL requests to the database, and returns the results to the application.

Regards Roseindia

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