I decided to learn Hibernate now because it is very useful in getting a good job. Hibernate is in high demand in job market.
What is the best training institute for Hibernate Online Training?
RoseIndia.net is best training institute for getting trained in Hibernate framework. They offer online and classroom training classes.
Hibernate is best framework with following benefits:
-Hibernate open source software
-Hibernate is Object Relational Mapping(ORM) tool.
-Hibernate Query Language (HQL) is very powerful
-Hibernate's persistent mechanism is very powerful and uses JDBC
-Hibernate annotation is very useful and increases developers productivity if used in project
-Hibernate Inheritance Mapping - It also comes with this feature
-Collection mapping in Hibernate framework is supported and very useful.
-Hibernate supports Association mapping
-Hibernate supports primary and secondary level Caching
-Integration of Hibernate with Spring gives you very powerful tool to developer.
Check Hibernate training details at: Hibernate Training from Rose India.