how to convert sql into hql

StringBuffer questionDataSql = new StringBuffer(); questionDataSql.append( "select distinct q.questionVerbiage, qt.questionType, ") .append("GROUP_CONCAT(distinct ifnull(qo.optionVerbiage,'') order by qo.questionOptionAutoID SEPARATOR '\n') optionVerbiage , q.surveyQuestionAutoID, ifnull(qo.questionOptionAutoID,0) questionOptionAutoID ") .append(", b.backgroundImageUrl, b.backgroundImageThumbnailUrl, q.questionID, ifnull(q.branchingLogic,'') branchingLogic ") .append("FROM question q left join questionoption qo on (qo.surveyQuestionID = q.surveyQuestionAutoID ), questiontype qt, backgroundimage b ") .append("where q.surveyID =") .append(surveyId) .append(" and q.questionTypeID = qt.questionTypeAutoID ") .append("and q.backgroundImageID = b.backgroundImageAutoID GROUP BY q.questionVerbiage ORDER BY q.questionID");

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