I am beginner in Hibernate. I just heard something about the dialects. Can anyone explain me What are dialects in hibernate?
Hibernate is database independent ORM tool. You can use any of the supported database with Hibernate.
dialects are the classes specific to a database and it generates the query for that database.
Check the list of Dialect in Hibernate for more details.
Hibernate is database independent ORM tool. You can use any of the supported database with Hibernate.
dialects are the classes specific to a database and it generates the query for that database.
Check the list of Dialect in Hibernate for more details.
Actually the Hibernate contian some object oriented queries(HQL and Criteria). The hibernate use these dialect classes to convert the object oriented queries into corresponding database sql queries.
some dialect classes in hibernate:
org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect MSQLDialect SybaseDialect ect.
if whenever we use the OracleDialect with oracle credentials(driver class,url,username and password) in hibernate configuration file(hibernate.cfg.xml), then the hibernate convert the HQL adn Criteria object queries into oracle sql queries whenever we call the buildSessionFactory() method by using Configuration class object.