I am making login page in struts2 and using hibernate . Now I wants to pull user name and password from database and match the login password given by user.
But I am not able to fetch data from database using hql. And where I need to write the hql query. Is it possible to write it at execute method of struts2?
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Hi Friend,
Please visit on this link.......
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query Hibernate Query Language
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In this tutorial you will learn about Hibernate
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Hibernate Query Language;
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HQL for short is extremely
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HQL Select
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QUERY = "select c from Customer c";
struts2struts2 sir.... i am doing one
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Hibernate delete HQL - HibernateHibernate delete HQL Hi
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FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f
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Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
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hql="Select emp FROM Employee emp ORDER BY name";
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hql="Select emp FROM
HQL group By.=sessionFactory.openSession();
hql="Select emp.name FROM Employee emp GROUP BY name";
Query query=session.createQuery(
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HQL subquery Hi,
I need to fetch latest 5 records from a table.My
query goes here.
select * from
(select * from STATUS...) where ROWNUM <=5;
I need an equivalent
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php...). Now, queries can be
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convert into hql convert into
hql String sqlListSurveys= "select distinct s.surveyAutoID, s.surveyTitle, date(s.modifiedOn) modifiedOn, s.createdOn, "
+ "( CASE s.surveyState WHEN '0' THEN 'Created' WHEN '1' THEN 'Published
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Query qry= session.createQuery("update... table
plz help
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