why hibernate?

why hibernate?

why hibernate?

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June 13, 2012 at 11:35 AM

Hibernate: -Hibernate is an Open Source persistence technology.

It provides Object/Relational mapping library.

It solves object-relational impedance mismatch problems.

  1. Hibernate makes the application development process easy

  2. Hibernate saves the development time

  3. Hibernate allows to map the Java objects to the relational database.

  4. Hibernate provides HQL for performing selective search.

  5. Hibernate also supports SQL Queries (Native Query).

  6. Hibernate provides primary and secondary level caching support.

  7. Can be used in both console and web based applications

  8. Developers can use the components from the Hibernate framework selectively.

  9. Hibernate can be used with JPA

  10. It supports both xml file and annotations as metadata

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