to enter into a particular page only if the username,password and listbox value mtches

I have created a login page in which a user could enter in to his page only if the username, password and the listbox value(user type) matches using "jsp".where the username,password,user type are stored in a single table in the database. here i have a problem in checking the listbox value with username, password text box and only for the the first record(user details) in the database table the page redirects. for other records I couldn't redirect to the corresponding user page.

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April 17, 2013 at 11:40 AM

Hi friend,

As I can understand your problem probably you are not fetching the all records from the database but, I can't say anything more about your code so please send your complete code. Perhaps, then I can help you.


April 17, 2013 at 7:13 PM

Hi friend,

I will suggest you to go through the web page JSP Login Logout Example

May, this will be helpful for you.

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