webpage which client can enter his or her name

1.if client has entered name he must click on submit button,new webpage should appear which welcome him or her with either one of following messages: "good morning,[name]!","good afternoon,[name]!".greeting should depend on the current time.

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September 11, 2012 at 11:36 AM

Here is a html code that accepts name from the user and display the name with welcome message.


<form type=get action="page2.html">
<td>First Name:</td>
<td><input type=text name=firstname size=10></td>
<td>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type=text name=lastname size=10></td>
<td><input type=text name=age size=10></td>
<td colspan=2><input type=submit value="Submit">


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function getParams() {
var idx = document.URL.indexOf('?');
var params = new Array();
if (idx != -1) {
var pairs = document.URL.substring(idx+1, document.URL.length).split('&');
for (var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) {
nameVal = pairs[i].split('=');
params[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1];
return params;
params = getParams();
firstname = unescape(params["firstname"]);
document.write("Welcome " + firstname);

September 11, 2012 at 2:01 PM

thnx for the help it realy does work.

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