Screen flashing

Hey I am trying to make my screen flash (like a white flash as if from a camera). This is my code so far:

Temporary Template
<style type="text/css">






<script type="text/javascript">
function showIt9()
function hideIt9()

function showIt8()
function hideIt8()

function showIt7()
function hideIt7()

function showIt3()
function hideIt3()

function showIt2()
function hideIt2()

function showIt1()
function hideIt1()

function playSound(soundfile) {
"<embed src=\""+soundfile+"\" hidden=\"true\" autostart=\"true\" loop=\"false\" />";


<span id="dummy"></span>
<table id="all" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width = 100% height = 100%>
     <td height = 30%> <img align="right" border="" src="" id="homshow" style="display:none" width="190" height="200" />  </td>
     <td> <center> <img border="" src="" id="forshow" style="display:none" width="140" height="190" /> </center> </td>
     <td> <img border="" src="" id="galshow" style="display:none" width="190" height="200" /> </td>
     <td width = 25% height = 40%>  </td>

     <td class = "cell5" width = 50%> 
        <table border="0" cellspacing = "1" align = center width = "100%" height = "100%">
            <tr class = "row"> 
                    <th class="home" align="center" onMouseOver="showIt1()" onMouseOut="hideIt1()"> <a href="#" onClick="playSound('shutter.wav');"> HOME </a> </th>
                    <th class="forum" align="center" onMouseOver="showIt2()" onMouseOut="hideIt2()"> <a href="#" onClick="playSound('shutter.wav');"> FORUMS </a> </th>
                    <th class="gallery" align="center" onMouseOver="showIt3()" onMouseOut="hideIt3()"> <a href="#" onClick="playSound('shutter.wav');"> GALLERY </a> </th>
            <tr class = "row"> 
                    <th class="register" align="center" onMouseOver="showIt7()" onMouseOut="hideIt7()"> <a href="#" onClick="playSound('shutter.wav');"> REGISTER </a> </th>
                    <th class="login" align="center" onMouseOver="showIt8()" onMouseOut="hideIt8()"> <a href="#" onClick="playSound('shutter.wav');"> LOG - IN </a> </th>
                    <th class="calendar" align="center" onMouseOver="showIt9()" onMouseOut="hideIt9()"> <a href="#" onClick="playSound('shutter.wav');"> CALENDAR </a> </th>

     <td width = 25%> </td>
     <td height = 30%> <img align="right" border="" src="" id="regshow" style="display:none" width="190" height="200" /> </td> 
     <td> <center> <img border="" src="" id="logshow" style="display:none" width="140" height="190" /> </center> </td>
     <td> <img border="" src="" id="calshow" style="display:none" width="190" height="200" /> </td>


So what I want is that I want the screen to flash white when a link is clicked. Thanks.

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;frame.setVisible(true);   } } Screen shot
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