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second selectbox of dynamicsecond
selectbox of dynamic hello friends i hava a code like this and could any body help me with editing code and send me code.
i am getting city values but i can't location values of city from database.thanks in advance
struts with ajaxstruts with ajax i have two selectboxex.the first
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JSP - StrutsJSP Hi,
Can you please tell me how to load the values in
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Note:I am neither using form nor bean...
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selectbox jSP - JSP-ServletjSP A.JSP ::I am retriving database A CLICKS "A"VLUES AS IT IS A-Z ONE MORE 0-9.into one
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plz solve my query?plz solve my query? how to remove all the options from select control in html using java script?
JavaScript remove all items
<script language="javascript" >
function removeAllItems(
selectbox On HTML and JavaScript - Java BeginnersOn HTML and JavaScript Hi
I have a
for ex i want to select a month from
I want the default value of select box to be select but when user select the box for options then there should not be option called
i use HTML in jsp - JSP-Servlet,"Connecticut", "Connecticut");
function removeAllOptions(
function addOption(
selectbox Ajax code Ajax code I want an ajax code in jsp where selecting a listbox changes the other
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HTML addOption(
selectbox,text,value )
var optn = document.createElement("OPTION
Struts Articles cousin, the multi-line
selectbox. They both basically do the same thing... one or several of them.
While the multi-line