how to get data in jsp page

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February 3, 2009 at 3:28 AM

Hi friend,

You use the <mxml> tag without a source property to enclose a set of MXML tags in a JSP page. You can set any number of properties that define the presentation of the SWF file on the page in the <mxml> tag. The syntax for writing MXML inline in a JSP is as follows:

<prefix:mxml [properties]>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">;
//MXML tags

When you write MXML directly in a JSP, you set the prefix in the <mx:Application> tag just as you would when writing any Flex application.

The following example creates a Flex application with an Accordion container in the JSP file:

<%@ taglib uri="FlexTagLib" prefix="mm" %>
<p>Writing MXML in a JSP</p>
<h3>My App</h3>
<mm:mxml border="1">
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">;
<mx:Accordion width="500" height="300">
<mx:VBox label="panel1" width="500" height="200" />


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