I need to pass the value from controller to jsp.
I use the way like this
request.setAttribute("msg", "Successfully Login");
In jsp
and then i didn't see the message . then i changed the jsp as<%= request.getAttribute("msg") %>
again the msg didn't see.
when i set the controller as request.getSession().setattribute("msg", "Successfully Login");
jsp as
Then the message shown.
but when refreshingor reloading its still there. means its not refreshing that message
any solution?
Please visit the following links:
It is resolved
Previously the code in controller as:
request.setAttribute("msg", "Successfully Login"); ModelandView modelAndView =new ModelandView("login.html");//login.jsp resolved as login .html
return modelAndView ;
and in login.jsp as:
but not showing the message.
now code is changed in controller as:
request.setAttribute("msg", "Successfully Login"); return showForm(request, response, errors);
Now it is working fine.