Code to store SubCombo box Name

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Code to store SubCombo box Name - Development process
Code to store SubCombo box Name  Hi, In the following code i want to store Sub-combo box(Second combo in Department field) name instead of value. plz send me code tfor that Add Data var arr = new Array(); arr["Select
Code to store SubCombo box value - Development process
Code to store SubCombo box value   Hi ,In the following code i want to store SubCombo box name instead of value for Department Field. Add Data var arr = new Array(); arr["Select"] = new Array("-select-"); arr["Dkn
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Code to store sub combo box value - Development process
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how to get selected name from combo box  i have fetched all records of worker i.e worker name. on a test.jsp and dispayed it into combo box of worker name within d combo box and display that id into a text box. plz answer
how to get selected name from combo box
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Get Property by Name
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