Code to store SubCombo box value

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Code to store SubCombo box value - Development process
Code to store SubCombo box value   Hi ,In the following code i want to store SubCombo box name instead of value for Department Field. Add Data var arr = new Array(); arr["Select"] = new Array("-select-"); arr["Dkn
Code to store SubCombo box Name - Development process
Code to store SubCombo box Name  Hi, In the following code i want to store Sub-combo box(Second combo in Department field) name instead of value. plz send me code tfor that Add Data var arr = new Array(); arr["Select
Code to store sub combo box value - Development process
Code to store sub combo box value  Hi Deepak, In the following code i want to store subcombo box value instead of number. Already "Dkn/Tmz" ,"kungumam... etc are storing but i want to store "Circulation,marketing
SubCombo box not working - Development process
SubCombo box not working  Hi, in the following code subcombo box is not working and while storing combo box numbers(1,2,3) are stored instead of values. Search Page var arr = new Array(); arr[0] = new
Store combo box value - Development process
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jsp login code when username , password and dropdown box value is correct...
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How to retrieve data by using combo box value in jsp? - JSP-Servlet
How to retrieve data by using combo box value in jsp?  Hi Friends, When i click combobox value in jsp form page, it will diplay related value.... I am using only this page.. not get value from another page
How to retrieve data by using combo box value in jsp? - JSP-Servlet
How to retrieve data by using combo box value in jsp?  I am using a single jsp form.. i did not get from another form.. i do not use 2 jsp form.. all are satisfaction in this form.. What will i do. My code is following
How to retreive data by using combo box value - JSP-Servlet
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How to retrieve data using combo box value in jsp? - JSP-Servlet
How to retrieve data using combo box value in jsp?  Hi freind, I already post this question. I need urgent help from u. pl response me.... All actions in the same page.......  Hi Friend, Please visit
jsp login code ... when username , drop down box and password is correct
jsp login code ... when username , drop down box and password is correct  i need a jsp code for login.... when username password and dropdown box value is correct.... the drop down box values should be retrieved from database