Human face using applet programming

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Chatterjee extends Applet
public void init()

public void paint(Graphics g)

In da above program,I would like to see the lips which is rectangle change to arc on clicking...or it should turn into smilimg face........How do I proceed using ActionListener..........pls explain....
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January 16, 2010 at 1:07 PM

Hi Friend,

Try the following code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class HumanFace extends Applet{
private int mouseX, mouseY;
private boolean mouseclicked = false;
public void init(){
public void paint(Graphics g){
if (mouseclicked) {
mouseclicked = false;

public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y ) {
mouseX=x; mouseY=y;
mouseclicked = true;
return true;


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