Analog clock

how to develope analog clock using java?

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June 10, 2011 at 1:30 PM

001 import java.awt.*;

002 import java.applet.*;

003 import java.util.Date;


005 public class ac extends Applet implements Runnable

006 {

007 Graphics og;

008 Image oi;

009 Thread t = null;

010 int width, height, delay = 500;


012 Date currTime;

013 int timeH, timeM, timeS, radius = 50, lenH, lenM, lenS,

014 lenIn, cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2;


016 public void init()

017 {

018 super.init();

019 width = size().width;

020 height = size().height;

021 resize(width, height);


023 lenH = 5 * radius / 10;

024 lenM = 6 * radius / 10;

025 lenS = 7 * radius / 10;

026 lenIn = 8 * radius / 10;

027 cx = width / 2;

028 cy = height / 2;


030 oi = createImage(width, height);

031 og = oi.getGraphics();

032 }


034 public void start()

035 {

036 if (t == null)

037 {

038 t = new Thread(this);

039 t.start();

040 }

041 }


043 public void stop()

044 {

045 t.stop();

046 t = null;

047 }


049 public void run()

050 {

051 Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1);

052 while (true)

053 {

054 repaint();

055 try

056 {

057 Thread.sleep(delay);

058 }

059 catch (InterruptedException e) {}

060 }

061 }


063 public void update(Graphics g)

064 {

065 paint(g);

066 }


068 public void paint(Graphics g)

069 {

070 og.setColor(new Color(170, 170, 170));

071 og.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

072 currTime = new Date();

073 timeH = currTime.getHours();

074 timeM = currTime.getMinutes();

075 timeS = currTime.getSeconds();


077 if (timeH >= 12)

078 timeH -= 12;


080 for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)

081 {

082 og.setColor(new Color(20, 20, 20));

083 x2 = (int)(cx + radius * Math.sin(i * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

084 y2 = (int)(cy - radius * Math.cos(i * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

085 if (i % 3 != 0)

086 {

087 x1 = (int)(cx + 0.9f * radius * Math.sin(i * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

088 y1 = (int)(cy - 0.9f * radius * Math.cos(i * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

089 }

090 else

091 {

092 x1 = (int)(cx + 0.8f * radius * Math.sin(i * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

093 y1 = (int)(cy - 0.8f * radius * Math.cos(i * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

094 }

095 og.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

096 og.setColor(new Color(230, 230, 230));

097 og.drawLine(x1 - 1, y1 - 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1); 098 }

099 og.setColor(new Color(20, 20, 20));

100 x2 = (int)(cx + lenH * Math.sin((timeH + timeM / 60.0f + timeS / 3600.0f)

101 * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

102 y2 = (int)(cy - lenH * Math.cos((timeH + timeM / 60.0f + timeS / 3600.0f)

103 * 2 * 3.14159f / 12));

104 og.drawLine(cx, cy, x2, y2);

105 og.setColor(;

106 og.drawLine(cx - 1, cy - 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1);

107 108 og.setColor(new Color(20, 20, 20));

109 x2 = (int)(cx + lenM * Math.sin((timeM + timeS / 60.0f) * 2 * 3.14159f / 60));

110 y2 = (int)(cy - lenM * Math.cos((timeM + timeS / 60.0f) * 2 * 3.14159f / 60));

111 og.drawLine(cx, cy, x2, y2);

112 og.setColor(;

113 og.drawLine(cx - 1, cy - 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1); 114

115 og.setColor(new Color(20, 20, 20));

116 x2 = (int)(cx + lenS * Math.sin(timeS * 2 * 3.14159f / 60));

117 y2 = (int)(cy - lenS * Math.cos(timeS * 2 * 3.14159f / 60));

118 og.drawLine(cx, cy, x2, y2);

119 og.setColor(;

120 og.drawLine(cx - 1, cy - 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1);


122 og.setColor(new Color(20, 20, 20));

123 og.drawOval((width - 2 * radius) / 2, (height - 2 * radius) / 2, 2 * radius,

124 2 * radius);

125 og.setColor(new Color(230, 230, 230));

126 og.drawOval((width - 2 * radius) / 2 - 1, (height - 2 * radius) / 2 - 1,

127 2 * radius, 2 * radius);


129 g.drawImage(oi, 0, 0, this);

130 }

131 }

source code for the analog clock < applet code=ac.class width=120 height=120>

HTML example for the analog clock

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