Table refresh with ajax

I am using jsp/html in my code. Is it compulsory that i have to use a servlet to implement table refresh using ajax? Or jsp also would work? Rajatha

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database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED
database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED
database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED
database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED
database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED
database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED
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database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED
database table structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE "MENU" ( "MENU_NAME... into the following table: CREATE TABLE "ROLE_MENU" ( "CREATED_ON" DATE, "CREATED