Java call method from another class

In this section, you will study how to access methods of another class.

Java call method from another class

In this section, you will study how to access methods of another class.

Java call method from another class

Java call method from another class


In this section, you will study how to access  methods of another class. For this we have created two java files:


In the example, five methods, namely : add, subtract, multiply, division and modulus have been created inside the class CallingMethod under file. Now for getting access to CallingMethod class methods inside the class MainClass, an object of the CallingMethod class of file has to created inside the class of file as shown in the example.

 Syntax of creating object : ClassName objectName = new ClassName();

After creating object of file class CallingMethod inside the class of file. Its very easy to access the methods of the class CallingMethod. With just the object name along with a dot operator, any method at  a time can accessed, as illustrated in the example below.

Syntax for calling methods : objectName . methodName();

Note : Base directory of both the java files should match with each other.

Here is the code of

public class CallingMethod{
int c;
public int add(int a, int b){
return a+b;
public int subtract(int a, int b){
return a-b;
public int multiply(int a, int b){
return a*b;
public int division(int a, int b){
return a/b;
public int modulus(int a, int b){
return a%b;

Here is the code of

public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
CallingMethod method = new CallingMethod();
System.out.println("Addition: " + method.add(30,15));
System.out.println("Subtraction: " + method.subtract(30,15));
System.out.println("Multiplication: " + method.multiply(30,15));
System.out.println("Division: " + method.division(30,15));
System.out.println("Modulus: " + method.modulus(30,15));

Output will be displayed as:

call methods in java

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