In this section we will learn how to declare string array in java. Java provides many ways to declare an array and initialize them for example- with 'new' keyword, without new keyword.
Declare string array in Java (one and two dimensional)
In this section we will learn how to declare string
array in java. Java provides many ways to declare an array and initialize them
for example- with 'new' keyword, without new keyword. Here we have given example
to declare, initialize and access elements of one dimensional array and two
dimensional as well.
1. String arr[] = new String[] {"mahendra", "anu",
"girish", "komal"};
2. String arr[] = {"mahendra", "anu", "girish",
Above code shows you how to declare the one dimensional array in Java.
Following is the program which explains you how to declare the array and then iterate through all the elements of the array.
public class ArrayDimensions { public static void main(String[] args) { //declare and initialize one dimension array String[] names = new String[]{"mahendra", "anu", "girish", "komal"}; System.out.println("These are elements of one Dim array."); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { System.err.println(names[i] + " "); } //declare and initialize two dimensional array String dim2[][] = { {"mahendra", "girish"}, {"sandeep", "vinnet"}, {"amit", "komal"} }; System.out.println("These are elements of two Dim array."); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { System.out.println(dim2[i][j]); } } } }
Above program shows you how to declare single dimension array and iterate through all the elements.
Above program also teaches you how to declare two dimensional array in Java.
If you run the program you will get the following output:
Output :
These are elements of one Dim array. mahendra anu girish komal These are elements of two Dim array. mahendra girish sandeep vinnet amit komal |