HTML - lists example.
HTML - lists example.
Description :
HTML has three type of list.
1- Unordered list
2- Ordered list
3-Defination list
Code :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>HTML is a markup language</title>
<h1>Example of HTML List.</h1>
<h3>Unordered List</h3>
<h3>Ordered List</h3>
<h3>Defination List</h3>
<dt>Java</dt><dd> It is oop language.</dd>
<dt>PHP</dt><dd> It is open source.</dd>
<dt>.NET</dt><dd>.Net is also a programming language.</dd>

More Tutorials on for the topic HTML - lists example..
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HTML Example
In this page we have given the links of many very useful
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HTML examples will help you in learning HTML4 and HTML5...
example code. You can try these code and learn
HTML deeply.
HTML is used to create
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How to use
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Please check the Vertical Frameset in
HTML example code
Pagination example with html code
example with
html code Hi,
could u please provide pagination code with clear cut explanation.
Thanks in advance
HTML - base tag example.
HTML - base tag
Description :
The base tag is a
HTML tag...;title>
HTML is a markup language</title>
HTML -- base tag. </h1>
<a href="
HTML Frames Example
HTML Frames Example Hi,
Can anyone provide me
HTML Frames
Example code? I have to one a web page say in Frame?
Thanks...="frame1.html"> tags for creating frames in
Read at Frames
HTML CSS example
HTML CSS example Hi,
Can anyone share the
example code. I my
HTML web page I have to embed the CSS style. Share some
You can use the following code to define CSS in
HTML page:
HTML - Email example
HTML - Email
Description :
There is not any specific tag for email in
HTML. But with the help of
we can easily add mail facility in our
HTML page.
HTML has a anchor tag with
href attributes. The href attributes has
HTML email example
HTML email example Hi,
I am looking for an email to open email composer when user clicks on the email link. Give me code for
html email
example... client when user clicks on the email link.
Here is the
example code
HTML - I tag example.
HTML - I tag
Description :
It is a text formatting tag. It display...>
HTML -- I tag
Example. </h1>
Roseindia Technology Pvt...;head>
<base href="">
HTML - textarea tag example.
HTML - textarea tag
Description :
It is a input tag. You can enter...;
HTML is a markup language</title>
HTML -- textarea tag
Example. </h1>
HTML - menu tag example
HTML - menu tag
Description :
The <menu> is a tag of
html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
html xmlns
HTML Form Validation example
HTML Form Validation example Can anyone guide me how to validate the user name and password field in
HTML using simple or JavaScript Validation.
Thanks in advance!
<form method="post" onsubmit="return
Simple HTML example
HTML example
In this section we will give you very simple
example of a
HTML page. After
reading this page you should be able to create simple
HTML... pages.
Creating Simple
HTML page
Here is simple
example of
HTML page that displays
HTML form example
HTML form
In this section we will develop
HTML form
example and show...
input from the user.
In this
example code we will show you to make
HTML form...;
Example </title>
<script type="text
example of 1700 bir form using html
example of 1700 bir form using
html example of 1700 bir form using
i don't know how to start it... i'm confused on what would i do first and what would i use... :( please help me on this.... thank you in advance
HTML table example
HTML Table
In this page we will learn how to use
HTML table tag with the help of
HTML table tag is used to display the data into tabular form on the
web page.
Here is an
example of
HTML Table
Example on the use of Paragraphs in HTML
HTML in Flex
HTML in Flex Hi.....
just tell me
How can I embed
HTML in my Flex application?
Please give an
example so i can implement it in my apps
Thanks Ans:
Yes, you can embed
HTML in flex application. You will use
Example on the use of Background Colors in HTML
Example on the use of Background image in HTML
HTML code example
input filed:
HTML code
example of input tag:
<input type="text"...
HTML code examples
In this section we are giving many
html code examples which will be very
useful for developers. The examples of
HTML code given here
JAVA with HTML Hello
I want an JAVA
example that would convert any UNICODE character OR STRING into its Equivalent
HTML Numeric[ASCII] values...
Like for character
it's equivalent value is
like all the other
html - WebSevices
html hi how can i create "browse function" and also how can upload file or download file and save file also explain the
example for each one Hi friend,
For file upload visit to :
HTML Hi Friend.
I am preparing one
HTML page.
In that page i have four combo boxes.
when ever i select the I combo box then automatically... Combo Box
-- select --
option 1
option 2
HTML Calculator
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In this
example we will learn how to make
HTML Calculator. We have used
HTML language in this
example. First off all we have created one... the font size and Onclick is
used for the button.
<form name="
HTML form examples
Please see the
HTML form
example page.
HTML form examples Hi,
How to create a simple data entry form in
HTML and use JavaScript to validate the same. Can anyone share
html form examples
HTML Post Image
HTML Post Image
The Tutorial illustrates an
example, how to post image in
HTML page. In this
Tutorial, the code describe you
html page that shows you how
Html Parsing Extracting Content
Html Parsing Extracting Content Hello
i need to parse
html and search for a string and get its attributes.For
example 'xxx' is my search string. i search
html page and find xxx css attributes.Java,php,javascript is okey
Paragraph in HTML
Paragraph in
The Paragraph in
HTML are defined inside the <p> and </p. tags.
Understand with ExampleADS_TO_REPLACE_1
The Tutorial illustrates an
Mixing Scriptlet and HTML
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In this section, we will discuss about Scriptlet and
Html together with
example. Suppose you have to generate a table in
HTML. This is a common
operation, and you may want to generate a table
Dynamic html examples
html examples Hi,
What is Dynamic
HTML? Explain with dynamic
html examples.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
DHTML stands for Dynamic
HTML and is uses the
HTML file upload example
HTML file upload
Here is an
example of File Upload in
html. In this program we have displayed
three "text field" and one "Browse... of a text field and a value set by a script
In this
example we have shown three
HTML to php form
HTML to php form Hi,
How I can submit the
HTML form data to PHP Script? Give me
example code.
Please see the following tutorials:
PHP Form
PHP email form
HTML Button Size
HTML Button Size
Button in
HTML is used to submit
HTML page.
Understand with
The Tutorial illustrate an
example from
HTML Button size. In this Tutorial
html text linking
html text linking How to link a text in HTM?
Link text for
<a href="">RoseIndia Tutorials</a>
Alignment of Image in HTML
Alignment of Image in
The Tutorial illustrates an
example from Alignment of image in
HTML. In this Tutorial, the
code explain an alignment of image in
HTML font tag.
Example of
HTML font.</h1>
HTML font tag.
Description :
It is a
HTML tag, which is used for changing... :
html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
HTML - Strikethrough code.
Example of
HTML strike tag.</h1>
HTML is a markup language...
HTML - Strikethrough code.
Description :
The strike is a
html tag. When you... Markup Language</strike>
Code :
html PUBLIC "
HTML - Image tag.
Example of
HTML image tag.</h1>
<img src="RI...
HTML - Image tag.
Description :
HTML supports two type tags.
1-Singular tag... and end tag. The img
tags is used for embedding image in
HTML page
Copy text file in a HTML form.
Copy Text File in a
HTML form
For copying a text file from one source to other destination in
HTML form, you will have to create a
HTML form and call the form...,$destinationfile);
Draw the
HTML form
HTML link code.
Example of
HTML Link...
HTML link code.
Description :
It is also called hyper link.
HTML provides...;/a>
Code :
html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
HTML - Image link code.
Example of
HTML Link code.</h1>
<p>Please visit...
HTML - Image link code.
Description :
HTML image link is a combination of two
HTML tags. One is anchor and
another is image tag. Image tag image
HTML - Text Size
HTML - Text Size
Description :
The size is a attributes of font tag of
html...; Bharat singh</font>
Code :
html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD.../TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
html xmlns="http
Styles in HTML
the following code:
Example: Styles in
Styles in
The Style in
HTML is used to format the
html document with required style
HTML - bold tag.
Example of
HTML image tag.</h1>
<span style="font...
HTML - bold tag.
Description :
The bold tag is also a font tag. Which... within bold tag will be display
as bold.
Code :
JavaScript where to place in HTML
. See the
example given below.
Declaring JavaScript in
HTML Head Tag
<...JavaScript where to place in
HTML Where to place JavaScript code into
HTML Code?
Placing JavaScript code into
Include Static HTML Page in JSP
Include Static
HTML Page in JSP
example shows how to include static
html page in jsp.
In JSP, there are two ways to include another web resource.
Opening a file in a HTML form
Opening a file in a
HTML form
In this
example, you will first see that a form has been created in
HTML format and the code of opening a file has been written separately.
First create a
HTML form and call the php action file to open
HTML line break tag
. In this
example we will
show you how to use the <br> tag.
It is a
html tag...
HTML line break tag.
HTML Line break tag <br> is used to add a line... web page. Its very
easy you just have to write <br> tag in your
html page
Related Tags for HTML - lists example.: