Open Source projects
- Mono
Open Source Project
Mono provides the necessary software to develop and run .NET client and server applications on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and Unix. Sponsored by Novell (, the Mono open source project has an active and enthusiastic contributing community and is positioned to become the leading choice for development of Linux applications. Features
* Multi-platform
* Based on the ECMA/ISO standards
* Can run .NET, Java, Python and more.
* Open Source, Free Software.
* Commercially supported.
* Comprehensive technology coverage.
- SGI Open Source Project List
The following projects have either originated within SGI, have SGI employees coordinating the development and maintaining the master trees, or have SGI employees as significant core contributors. Linux® Kernel Work
* SGI ProPackTM for Linux (contains kernel work and other packages)
* CpuMemSets (Processor and Memory Placement)
* KDB (Linux kernel debugger)
* Kernprof (Kernel Profiling)
* Lockmeter (Linux kernel lock-metering)
* NUMA (NUMA support in Linux)
- Open-source projects get free checkup
More open-source software projects are gaining the benefits of the latest code-checking software, as the programs' makers look to prove their worth. code-analysis software maker Coverity announced that its automated bug finding tool had analyzed the community-built operating system Free BSD and flagged 306 potential software flaws, or about one issue for every 4,000 lines of code. The tool, which identifies certain types of programming errors, has previously been used to find flaws in other open-source software, including the Linux kernel and the MySQL database. The low number of flaws found by the system underscores that FreeBSD's manual auditing by project members has reduced the vulnerabilities in the operating system, said Seth Hallem, CEO of Coverity.
- The Open Source Project Management tool
dotProject is a volunteer supported Project Management application. There is no "company" behind this project, it is managed, maintained, developed and supported by a volunteer group and by the users themselves. The software is free to anyone who would like to download it. Day to day support is provided free by volunteers. If you would like to see the system in operation - use the Demo link in the modules list to the left top of the site. If you would like to download the package use the downloads link on the top right. Please be aware that the CVS snapshot is guaranteed to be UNSTABLE and should not be used on a production site or if you are not willing to have to do some work at the code level. If you are looking for support, to ask a question or to check to see if issues have been raised by others - use the support link at the top right to access our support forums.
- The WebKit Open Source Project
WebKit is an open source web browser engine. WebKit is also the name of the Mac OS X system framework version of the engine that's used by Safari, Dashboard, Mail, and many other OS X applications. WebKit's HTML and JavaScript code began as a branch of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE. This website is also the home of S60's S60 WebKit development. More information about WebKit can be found on its wiki. You can help here too, by adding information that can help others learn about WebKit.
- Open Source Projects HOWTO
Triage is the fine art of looking at bug reports from users, deciding if they're repeatable, and if so, passing the proper information on to the developers. This is a great way to get familiar with a project, and to earn karma points. A guide to triage of OpenOffice bugs is online at Other projects with bug report backlogs that could use triage include. Most open source projects work like this: all the developers have their own (not quite identical) copies of the source code. When one developer has a change he wants to share with the others, he emails them a patch. To create a patch, you run a program called diff, and save its output to a file. For instance, if the original source tree is in directory "foobar.old", and your new sources are in directory "", the command
diff -Naur foobar.old > blarg.patch.
- Projects Should Learn from Open Source
Let's say that you're a programmer working on a wildly successful open source project in your free time. You'll typically go home from work and check your inbox, find that a new patch was committed to the Subversion repository for the project, and review it carefully. You might post to a thread on a mailing list about a new feature that's being planned, voting against the feature because you feel it will cause serious design problems down the road and suggesting a better way to solve the problem. In general, you feel strongly that nobody should commit a broken build; that new contributors should be able to easily install the software; and that it's important to get as many people reviewing the code as possible. You're not alone. Many of the most successful open source projects are run this way, and the vast majority of open source developers feel that this is the right way to run a project.
- Assess Open-Source Projects
A Bellevue Wash., startup founded and funded by former Microsoft executives is expected to release a public beta version of a service that provides deep information about open-source projects, including license information and estimates of how much an open-source project could cost. Ohloh is providing its service to help organizations choose the open-source software that best fits their needs. The information in the Ohloh service enables "technical people to assess how the software was made by comparing data from one open-source project with hundreds of similar open-source projects," said Scott Collison, former director of platform strategy at Microsoft who is chief executive of Ohloh.We founded Ohloh because we recognized the difficulty developers have finding and evaluating open-source software when using existing search engines, directories and community sites that focus on open-source software," Collison said in a statement.
- Project SOS
- Support Open Source
Project SOS (Support Open Source) is all about supporting free and open source software developers and projects. This project started with SEO Company putting aside a budget of $5,000 to donate to open source developers. Other companies started expressing an interest in making donations and it was quickly realized that this was a service that the free and open source software community needed. My aim for this project is to help raise $500,000 to $1,000,000 USD for free and open source software developers and projects. SEO Company has increased its budgeted to $10,000 and is personally making a donation of $50 or more to each project on the list of free and open source software projects that it is currently compiling.
- Open Source Project Scheduling For Windows
Open Workbench is an open source desktop application that provides robust project scheduling and management functionality. Already the scheduling standard for more than 100,000 project managers worldwide, Open Workbench is a free and powerful alternative to Microsoft Project. Open Workbench provides all the functionality and benefits that project managers expect in a world-class scheduling application:
* Open Workbench can be used and distributed free of charge throughout an enterprise.
* Open Workbench is a stand-alone desktop application that provides robust project scheduling functionality.
* Open Workbench provides the unique ability to generate project schedules based on resource constraints.
* Open source developers will find a ready-made community of business users interested in their enhancements and extensions. The source code and other developer information are available on Source Forge.
- Open source projects are not
Open source behind closed doors, In the first of a two part series ZDNet looks at why some open source projects remain secret. Lots of companies are using our products, they just aren't talking about it", is a popular excuse from software companies, particularly those that offer open source software and services. Deployment of open source software, particularly in the private sector, often appears to be a clandestine activity, with few companies prepared to discuss their involvement.Just last month at an OASIS conference in London, Erwin Tenhumberg, a product marketing manager at Sun's Client Systems Group, stood up to say that the open source productivity application was being deployed around the world, but noted that "a lot of people do not want to talk about it.
- Java technology : Open source projects
The new Enterprise-class Portal Server open source project. This page serves as the entry point to all components associated with this project. The Portal Server open source project is derived from the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 product and will comprise of the following components and technologies -
* Portlet repository for ongoing development of all kinds of portlets, including those for enterprise application integration, Web 2.0, collaboration and much more.
* JSR168 compliant portlet container.
* Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) 1.0 based producer and consumer implementations.
* Portal aggregation and administration framework.
* Communities and collaboration framework/services.
- MGED Open Source Projects
The MAGE Software Toolkit is a collection of Open Source packages that implement the MAGE Object Model in various programming languages. The toolkit is meant for users that develop their own applications, and need to integrate functionality for managing an instance of a MAGE-OM. The toolkit facilitates easy reading and writing of MAGE-ML to and from the MAGE-OM, and all MAGE-objects have methods to maintain and update the MAGE-OM at all levels. What MAGE-stk doesn't implement for you, is the glue between your
application, and the standard way of representing microarray in MAGE-OM (MAGE-ML when in a file). This you will need to do by yourself.
- Open-source P2P projects
Nilson, a programmer who has been working on peer-to-peer software called Shareaza for several years, says the loose band of developers who share responsibility for the open-source project haven't been dissuaded from their work by the court ruling, which is casting a dark legal cloud over the future of companies such as Grokster and LimeWire. Nilson cautions that neither he nor anyone else can speak with authority on behalf of the project as a whole. For the most part, that's exactly why he and the others feel sheltered. As is the case with many loosely organized, open-source programming projects, there is no central entity, no "Shareaza" company or organization that issues paychecks or answers lawyers' telephone calls.
- New Roles in Open Source Projects
The Mozilla project has always been a pioneer in bringing new functions and roles into an open source project. In the early days, this was integrating open source DNA with commercial organizations. A number of people are doing this day, and we're still learning new things ourselves. Another topic in our world today is the additional of people in non-engineering roles. We've generally had a small amount of non-engineering personnel -- though for many years this meant me. When the Foundation was formed Bart Decrem joined as our second non-technical person. About the time Bart left Chris Beard joined and picked up a range of non-technical topics. Today we have more such people.
- Open Source Projects & Hardware
Computer Software and Intellectual Property Law from the Office of Laboratory Counsel, Patent Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. "This web site was written specifically for any LBNL employee who writes computer programs at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It is intended to provide basic information on how the law of copyright applies to computer software. It is not intended to be a legal reference for copyright attorneys, but an accessible reference for the people whose creative efforts result in software others want to use. The AI Toolkit from Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory: "[We have developed an interactive AI toolkit, with a specific focus on soft computing techniques for robotic applications. The core elements of this educational software package are: * Comprehensible training modules on three AI soft computing technologies, namely: genetic algorithms, neural networks, and fuzzy logic.
- Slash Open Source Project
As you may know, Slash development for the past several years has all been in CVS, with no tarball releases. We may do a tarball at some point, but for now, we recommend installing the most recent R_ tagged code from CVS. We tag the code with T_ for our own use (on Slashdot, and and when we feel one of those weekly test builds is stable enough, we also slap an R_ tag on it. A complete list of tags can always be found on (in the "Show files using tag" menu). If you are running a site on a very old version of Slash pre-2.2.6, we still recommend that you upgrade to 2.2.6, but the upgrade path beyond that to a recent CVS version will be long and difficult. We recommend you research whether you want to do that.
- X3D Open Source Projects
To encourage innovation and developer participation, several X3D projects are being developed as open source. Any developer may contribute to these projects or use them as the basis for their own work. If you are developing an open source project that supports X3D.
* Xj3D is a Java-based toolkit and X3D browser for creating X3D-compliant products. This is the reference implementation used by the consortium for prototyping new extensions and evaluating features. It is highly componetized and can be used as the basis to develop lightweight X3D applications.
* FreeWRL is a VRML/X3D browser for Mac OS X and Linux with support for Javascript interfacing, the External Authoring Interface (EAI), and the X3D Scene Authoring Interface (SAI).
- Two open source projects for EAI
The open source projects Proteus and Babeldoc both announced new releases. Although they look very different (one is a "framework", the other is a "system"), both are written in Java, support XML, EJBs and JDBC databases and do not hide that EAI is their vocation. Proteus is presented as a framework, ie more as a library to integrate with your application than as a complete environment: Proteus is a framework for creating messaging applications, and a message broker built upon that framework. Proteus has adapters that allow databases, message queues, ftp servers, email and other message sources and sinks to be addressed in a simple, uniform fashion. It differs in approach from most other toolkits in supporting both centralized and point to point implementations with a minimal footprint.
- Open Source Project Management
TechCrunch reports on activeCollab, an open source project management tool developed by Ilija Studen. activeCollab was inspired by a post on Paul Scrivens blog entitled Being 37signals for free. Will Basecamp (37signals' approach to project management) be hurt by this open source alternative? Some interesting thoughts in the comments sections. This will not hurt Basecamp at all. People that use Basecamp and other hosting services don?t want to host the software themselves. They want to subscribe, pay a monthly fee, get the support they need, and not have to worry about the hardware and software headaches. That doesn?t mean that there isn?t a market for free software, but I don?t think it will hurt 37 Signals or their competitors-believe it or not, even they have some of those.
- Professional Usability in Open Source Projects
Working as a usability professional in the open source arena is a challenging task. The decentralized and engineering-driven approach of open source projects can be at odds with corporate processes and usability engineering methodologies. There is some truth in the common notion that open source systems have poor user interfaces. Often they are created by engineers for engineers. The feedback cycle with real users does not exist because there are few usability experts participating in open source development processes. This problem is well-known and has been discussed in previous papers and conferences .Sun Microsystems, Inc. is a large, multinational corporation with engineering teams around the world, and a long tradition in building systems on open standards. Sun?s involvement in the usability of open source projects is a natural continuation of this strategy.