How to use struts2 grid with form submission

How to use struts2 grid with form submission


I've already searched on Stackoverflow with no luck;

I want to make one filter form in which user enters data and according to that data, I want to show results in Struts2 jQGrid.

By default when page loads, Struts2 jQGrid already have action url having all data.

I tried setting target of form and , but it didnt work.

See code:

> <s:url id="filterUrl"
> action="ListItemFilter" />
>                 <s:form id="filterForm" action="%{filterUrl}">
>                     <table style="width:100%">
>                         <tr> 
>                             <td colspan="4">
>                                 <s:textfield
> key=""
> name="nameContains" />
>                             </td>
>                         </tr>
>                         <tr>
>                             <td colspan="2"> <s:textfield
> key="global.item.list.pricefrom"
> name="priceFrom" /> </td>
>                             <td colspan="2"> <s:textfield
> key="global.item.list.priceto"
> name="priceTo" /> </td>
>                         </tr>
>                         <tr>
>                             <td colspan="4">
>                                 <s:select
>                                     cssStyle="width: 100%"
>                                     id="SelectCategoryList"
>                                     multiple="true"
>                                     list = "categoryList" 
>                                     listKey = "categoryId" 
>                                     listValue = "categoryType" 
>                                     headerKey="-1"
>                                     headerValue="Select Type"
>                                     key = "global.add.item.type" 
>                                     loadingText="Item Types Loading..."
>                                 />
>                             </td>
>                         </tr>
>                         <tr>
>                             <td colspan="4"> 
>                                 <div id="fields"></div>
>                             </td>
>                         </tr>
>                         <tr>
>                             <td colspan="4"> <sj:a
> targets="filterGrid" 
>                             button="true" 
>                             key="global.item.list.form.submit"
>                             formIds="filterForm"
>                             onSuccessTopics="reloadGrid"
>                              />
>                         </tr>
>                     </table>
>                 </s:form>
> <s:url id="itemsUrl"
> action="ListItems" />      
>         <div  class="gridSection">
>         <sjg:grid gridModel="items"
>                         href="%{itemsUrl}"
>                         caption="Items"
>                         id="filterGrid"
>                         dataType="json"
>                         rownumbers="true"
>                         pager="true"
>                         navigator="false"
>                         rowList="10, 15, 20"
>                         rowNum="10"
>                         viewrecords="true"                    
>                         >
>                 <sjg:gridColumn name="item.itemname" title="Item
> Name"></sjg:gridColumn>
>                 <sjg:gridColumn name="shelves.shelfname" title="Shelf
> Name"></sjg:gridColumn>
>                 <sjg:gridColumn name="quantity" title="Available
> Qauntity"></sjg:gridColumn>
>                 <sjg:gridColumn name="item.itemprice" title="Item
> Price"></sjg:gridColumn>
>              </sjg:grid>
>         </div>


    <action name="ListItems" class="com.acty.libsys.actions.ListItemsAction">
    <result name="success" type="json"></result>
    <action name="ListItemFilter" class="com.acty.libsys.actions.ListItemsAction" method="filter">
        <result name="success" type="json"></result>


    public class ListItemsAction extends ActionSupport {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private List<ItemCategory> categoryList;

        public List<ItemCategory> getCategoryList() {
            return categoryList;

        public void setCategoryList(List<ItemCategory> categoryList) {
            this.categoryList = categoryList;

        public String execute() {
            /*This will be available to select box of ListItem.jsp*/
            categoryList = serviceProvider.getItemCategoryMapper().selectByExample(null);
            items = serviceProvider.getShelfItemsMapper().selectItemsFromShelf();System.out.println("fidddds "+items);
            return SUCCESS;

        public String filter() {
            ShelfItemsExample example = new ShelfItemsExample();

            if(priceFrom != null && priceTo != null)
                example.createCriteria().andItemPriceBetween(priceFrom, priceTo);

            System.out.println("nameContains "+nameContains + " priceFrom " + priceFrom);
            if(itemCategoryFields != null && !(itemCategoryFields.isEmpty())) {
                List<String> fieldIds = new ArrayList<String>();
                List<String> fieldValues = new ArrayList<String>();

                for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry: itemCategoryFields.entrySet()){


            items = serviceProvider.getShelfItemsMapper().selectFiltered(example);
            System.out.println("fids "+items);
            return SUCCESS;

        public void setItems(List<ShelfItems> items) {
            this.items = items;

        /* Used when filter button clicked*/
        private String nameContains;
        private BigDecimal priceFrom;
        private BigDecimal priceTo;

        private Map<String, String> itemCategoryFields;

        public String getNameContains() {
            return nameContains;

        public void setNameContains(String nameContains) {
            this.nameContains = nameContains;

        public BigDecimal getPriceFrom() {
            return priceFrom;

        public void setPriceFrom(BigDecimal priceFrom) {
            this.priceFrom = priceFrom;

        public BigDecimal getPriceTo() {
            return priceTo;

        public void setPriceTo(BigDecimal priceTo) {
            this.priceTo = priceTo;

        public Map<String, String> getItemCategoryFields() {
            return itemCategoryFields;

        public void setItemCategoryFields(Map<String, String> itemCategoryFields) {
            this.itemCategoryFields = itemCategoryFields;

        /* used when first the form loads*/
        private List<ShelfItems> items;

        public List<ShelfItems> getItems() {
            return items;

        private DataServiceProviderInterface serviceProvider;

        public DataServiceProviderInterface getServiceProvider() {
            return serviceProvider;

        public void setServiceProvider(DataServiceProviderInterface serviceProvider) {
            this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

Now form submitted successfully, action also executed successfully, but the grid becomes empty after execution of action.

I didnt get what is happening.

Provide me another way, if this way is not suitable. In short i ve to implement filter functionality by providing form, and when user click on form submit button, i want to show filtered data in grid. (Please also careful that i dont want to use grid's own filter functionality).

Thank you.

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