

I am trying to run this code also in eclipse, but there seem to be some nuances. Can you please check and run this source code and let me know why is it was not running and then send me this source code after it is working. This source code is the answer, but there might be some glitches. Can you please fix them and then send me the version that works. Instruction:

Write a java applet that does the following functions based on a hard coded variable named "play". When play = 1 draw one blue circle on the right and display the following text below the circle on the left hand side: "If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart." -- Socrates

Code: import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*;

public class play extends Applet { 
public void paint(Graphics g) { int play = 1;
// value of play variable 
{ int count = 1;
// initialize count while (count < 2 ) 

// run while loop if count is less than 2 if (play == 1)
// if the value of play equals 1, then do this { g.setColor(;
// set color to blue g.fillOval(250, 10, 100, 100);
// filled circle g.setColor(;
// set color to black g.drawString ("\"If all our misfortunes were laid in one", 10, 150); 
// quote g.drawString ("common heap, whence everyone must", 10, 165);
// quote g.drawString ("take an equal portion, most people would\"", 10, 180);
// quote g.drawString ("be content to take their own and depart.\"", 10, 195);
// quote g.drawString("-- Socrates", 10, 210);
// quote count = count + 1;
// increment count by 1 }
// end if else if (play == 2) 
// if the value of play equals 2, then do this { g.setColor(;
// set color to green g.fillRect(250, 30, 40, 100); // 40 by 100 rectangle g.fillRect(300, 30, 40, 100); 
// 40 by 100 rectangle g.setColor(;
// set color to black g.drawString ("\"There are only two ways to live your life.", 10, 160); 
// quote g.drawString ("One is as though nothing is a miracle.", 10, 175);
// quote g.drawString(" The other is as though everything is a miracle.\"", 10, 190);
// quote g.drawString("--Albert Einstein", 10, 205); // quote count = count + 1; 
// increment count by 1 } 
// end else if else if (play == 3) 
// if the value of play equals 3, then do this { g.setColor(Color.lightGray);
// set color to light gray g.drawLine(250, 10, 320, 10);
// line 70 pixels g.drawLine(250, 15, 320, 15);
// line 70 pixels g.drawLine(250, 20, 320, 20); 
// line 70 pixels g.setColor(;
// set color to black g.drawString ("\"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day", 10, 60);
// quote g.drawString ("and think it's forever.\"", 10, 75);
// quote g.drawString("--Carl Sagan", 10, 90);
// quote count = count + 1; 
// increment count by 1 }
// end else if else if (play <= 100)
// if the value of play less than or equal to 100, then do this
// if play were 1, 2, 3, then they would have been processed above 
{ System.out.println ("\n\"I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work.\"");
// quote System.out.println("--Thomas Edison");
// quote count = count + 1;
// increment count by 1 }
// end else if else if (play > 100 && play <=1000)
// if the value of play is greater than 100 and less than or equal to 1000, then do this 
System.out.println ("\n\"Any science or technology which is sufficiently \nadvanced is indistinguishable from magic.\""); 
// quote System.out.println("--Arthur C. Clarke");
// quote count = count + 1;
// increment count by 1 } 
// end else if else 
// if the value of play has not been addressed already, then do this { System.out.println ("\nSorry, Value is out of Range!"); 
// quote System.out.println("--Amy Krug");
// quote count = count + 1;
// increment count by 1 } // end else } } }
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