Default Values


Default Values

The elements which do not have any children can have default values. Default values are assigned automatically if no value is supplied.

The elements which do not have any children can have default values. Default values are assigned automatically if no value is supplied.

Default Values

The elements which do not have any children can have default values. Default values are assigned automatically if no value is supplied. The "default" attribute of the xs:element element can be used to specify a default value.

If the element appears in the document with content, the default value is ignored.

For example, type is the element which is of string type and its default value is XYZ.
<xs:element name="type" type="xs:string" default="XYZ"/>

If we use "type" element with value as given below, then its default value is not considered and the value provided to the element will be accepted.


If we use "type" element without value as given below, then its default value will be assigned automatically. Now in this case, type element will be assigned XYZ value.


