Data types that are already defined in XML schema specification and ready to use in schema to declare elements and attributes are known as built-in data types.
Data types that are already defined in XML schema specification and ready to use in schema to declare elements and attributes are known as built-in data types.Built-in Simple Types
Data types that are already defined in XML schema specification and ready to use in schema to declare elements and attributes are known as built-in data types.
XML Schema provides many built-in data types.
19 Primitive Data Types:
1. boolean
2. string
3. decimal
4. double
5. float
6. anyURI
7. QName
8. hexBinary
9. base64Binary
10. duration
11. date
12. time
13. dateTime
14. gYear
15. gYearMonth
16. gMonth
17. gMonthDay
18. gDay
normalizedString token language Name NMTOKEN NMTOKENS NCName ID IDREF ENTITY IDREFS ENTITIES |
integer nonPositiveInteger negativeInteger long int short byte nonNegativeInteger unsignedLong unsignedInt unsignedShort unsignedByte positiveInteger |
Below is the part of xml:
<book-name>My XML Book</book-name>
Its equivalent schema will be as below:
<xs:element name="book-name" type="xs:string"/>