ZF Decorate With CSS


ZF Decorate With CSS

It is obvious that we need some CSS to change the regular look of a web page, we will create and use in our current tutorial....

It is obvious that we need some CSS to change the regular look of a web page, we will create and use in our current tutorial....

Now Decorate it with CSS:

It is obvious that we need some CSS to change the regular look of a web page, nonetheless, we will create and use in our current tutorial. First of all create a folder called css in public folder and create a file called site.css inside the css folder (public->css->site.css), now copy and paste the following code inside the css file, you can change it to your own style:

body,html {

margin: 0 5px;

font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;


h1 {

font-size: 1.4em;

color: fuchsia;


a {

color: gray;


Now add the following line inside the head tag in layout.phtml file:

<?php echo $this->headLink()->prependStylesheet($this->baseUrl().'/css/site.css');?>

Visit index page and other pages you will see the changes as below:


Like the above every page will follow the same style:

