The PHP filectime() Function is used to get the inode change time for a file.
The PHP filectime() Function is used to get the inode change time for a file.
Example of filectime() in PHP
Syntax of filectime() in PHP
int filectime(filename)
It gives the last time when file was changed.
Changes are meant for inode(user,group,other permission in unix o/s ) and content
It returns the time in int if there are changes .Convert them to date format by date function
And FALSE if no changes
Code of filectime() in PHP
$time = time();
echo "current date and times is ".date("m/d/y H:i:s ", $time);
echo "<br>current File Access Time is ".date("m/d/y H:i:s ", filectime("c:/rose1/ram.txt"));
current date and times is 09/10/09 10:07:24
current File Access Time is 09/09/09 07:18:31