Most of the beginners are asking this question why do we need database in our application or program. They don't know how useful the database is, when you are making a dynamic website. It provides the variety things when it interacts with the PHP or other scripting language.
Most of the beginners are asking this question why do we need database in our application or program. They don't know how useful the database is, when you are making a dynamic website. It provides the variety things when it interacts with the PHP or other scripting language.Part-3 : Why would we want a Database?
Most of the beginners are asking this question why do we need database in our application or program. They don't know how useful the database is, when you are making a dynamic website. It provides the variety things when it interacts with the PHP or other scripting language.
Let's see some of the example of MySQL and PHP :
1. The Banner Rotator : One of the essential use of PHP and MySQL is the banner rotator. Banner Rotator is used to change the product ads that are running on the websites. Whenever a page is reloaded the new ads appears in the browser. This will give you the fresh look to your page and new content every time.
2. Forum : With the help of PHP and MySQL, we can develop thousands of forum on the internet. Unlikely, other languages in PHP if you want to update in forum, you just need to change in one script.
3.Database : In the website you can get your all the information from the database. You just need to define or declared the MySQL query in PHP. The combo of both MySQL and PHP will create the interactive and large website in lesser time.
4.Website : Suppose, you are making a very large website for your client or may be for yourself and after completion the website your client want to change the design of the website. Then, what will you do because it will take very long time to change the whole website but with the help of PHP and MySQL it will be few scripts away.
There are lot more other examples of PHP and MySQL but we will discussed later one by one.