PHP Introduction


PHP Introduction

In this section we will quickly introduce you with the PHP programming language.

In this section we will quickly introduce you with the PHP programming language.

The quick introduction to the PHP programming language

PHP is server side scripting language that allows the developers to generate the dynamic content for their website. The PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The php program is simple text file with the .php or .php5  extensions. You can use any text editor to write the PHP code and then run on the PHP enabled server.

The PHP runs on the server side and then generates the dynamic content. PHP is most frequently used programming language for developing the dynamic websites.

PHP is used mostly on the Apache server. PHP has got powerful support for the MySQL database. MySQL is most used database with the PHP program. You can use other databases also to develop your website.

Importance of PHP:

  • PHP performance is very good
  • Many libraries/extensions are available to ease the development of the web application
  • PHP is open source and can be used to develop commercial applications also
  • PHP is well supported on the Linux platform
  • It gives very good performance on the Linux platform
  • PHP can run on windows, Linux, Unix, Solaris and mac os
  • PHP is easy to learn and enough powerful to develop large applications
  • PHP can be installed both on Apache and IIS server
  • There are many books and websites to help the beginners to learn the PHP

In the next section we will see how we can install PHP on windows machine.

