Operators are used for performing specific tasks. The operators in PHP are same like other programming languages like Arithmetic operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, and logical operators.
Operators are used for performing specific tasks. The operators in PHP are same like other programming languages like Arithmetic operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, and logical operators.3.5. PHP Operators
Operators are used for performing specific tasks. The operators in PHP are same like other programming languages like Arithmetic operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, and logical operators.
3.5.1. Arithmetic Operators
These operators work similar to basic Mathematics functions.
Example |
Name |
Result |
$a + $b |
Addition |
Sum of $a and $b. |
$a - $b |
Subtraction |
Difference of $a and $b. |
$a * $b |
Multiplication |
Product of $a and $b. |
$a / $b |
Division |
Quotient of $a and $b. |
$a % $b |
Modulus |
Remainder of $a divided by $b. |
Like other programming language, in PHP too, logical operators are used to compare elements, but the syntax is different like:
Example |
Name |
Result |
$a and $b |
And |
TRUE if both $a and $b are TRUE. |
$a or $b |
Or |
TRUE if either $a or $b is TRUE. |
$a xor $b |
Xor |
TRUE if either $a or $b is TRUE, but not both. |
! $a |
Not |
TRUE if $a is not TRUE. |
$a && $b |
And |
TRUE if both $a and $b are TRUE. |
$a || $b |
Or |
TRUE if either $a or $b is TRUE. |
These give you the ability to compare whether elements are equal, identical, less than or greater than one another (with some other variations).
Example |
Name |
Result |
$a == $b |
Equal |
TRUE if $a is equal to $b. |
$a === $b |
Identical |
TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type. (PHP 4 only) |
$a != $b |
Not equal |
TRUE if $a is not equal to $b. |
$a <> $b |
Not equal |
TRUE if $a is not equal to $b. |
$a !== $b |
Not identical |
TRUE if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type. (PHP 4 only) |
$a < $b |
Less than |
TRUE if $a is strictly less than $b. |
$a > $b |
Greater than |
TRUE if $a is strictly greater than $b. |
$a <= $b |
Less than or equal to |
TRUE if $a is less than or equal to $b. |
$a >= $b |
Greater than or equal to |
TRUE if $a is greater than or equal to $b. |