while & do..while Loop


while & do..while Loop

This section contains the detail about while & do..while Loop in PHP.

This section contains the detail about while & do..while Loop in PHP.

while & do..while Loop

while loop

The while loop iterate until provided condition is true. Given below the syntax :

while (condition)
  code to be executed;



echo "Value of j" . $j . "<br />";


Output :

Value of j 1
Value of j 2
Value of j 3

The do...while statement

The do-while loop always executes its block of code at least once. Given below the syntax :

  code to be executed;
while (condition);

First it executes code and then checks the condition. It it is true, then loop iterate through further. Given below the example :

Example :


echo "Value of j" . $j . "<br />";
while ($j<=3);


Output :

Value of j 2
Value of j 3
Value of j 4
