Today we will learn about fopen() function in php. fopen() function is used to open the file directly from the C directory or URL. It makes this function versatile. Fopen() has two main parameters:
Today we will learn about fopen() function in php. fopen() function is used to open the file directly from the C directory or URL. It makes this function versatile. Fopen() has two main parameters:PHP Variables from File
Today we will learn about fopen() function in php. fopen() function is used to open the file directly from the C directory or URL. It makes this function versatile. Fopen() has two main parameters: $filename, used for open a particular file and the mode of opening the file. For example :
Here, r is the mode that denotes the file is open for reading only.
The mode enables the user how to handle the file. fopen() is a complex function but still popular among the programmer.
Syntax for PHP Variables from Files:
For example :
$file = fopen("textfile.txt","r");
while ($file)
$text = fgets($file);
print $text."<br/>";
The output of the example is : Only fools leave away messages!
Let's understand the above code one by one :
The first line $file = fopen("textfile.txt","r");
This line asking PHP to open the file and also remembered the location by mentioning the file name within the parenthesis and r is the mode which suggested the function that it is only used to read. We are assigning this function into a variable called $file.
The second line is while ($file)
A while loop moved round and round until you tell it to stop. It goes round and round till the condition is true. The condition between the round brackets was $file.
Inside the while loop the first line is $text = fgets($file);
Here, we use the fgets() function to bring the line of text from our file and within the parenthesis we used $file variable. So, we gets the line and put that line into a variable called $text.
And, the next line is print $text."<br/>";
It is used to print the file and display on the browser.
The last line of the code is fclose($file);
This fclose() is used the tell the php that closed the file here.