In this section, you will learn how to create scientific calculator.
In this section, you will learn how to create scientific calculator.In this section, you will learn how to create scientific calculator.
A Scientific Calculator is a very powerful and general purpose calculator. In addition to basic arithmetic functions, it provides trigonometric functions, logarithms, powers, roots etc. Therefore, these calculators are widely used in any situation where quick access to certain mathematical functions is needed. Here we are going to create a Scientific calculator using java swing.
Here is the code:
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class ScientificCalculator extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JTextField tfield; double temp, temp1, result, a; static double m1, m2; int k = 1, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; char ch; JButton b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, zero, clr, pow2, pow3, exp, fac, plus, min, div, log, rec, mul, eq, addSub, dot, mr, mc, mp, mm, sqrt, sin, cos, tan; Container cont; JPanel textPanel, buttonpanel; ScientificCalculator() { cont = getContentPane(); cont.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel textpanel = new JPanel(); tfield = new JTextField(25); tfield.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); tfield.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyTyped(KeyEvent keyevent) { char c = keyevent.getKeyChar(); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { } else { keyevent.consume(); } } }); textpanel.add(tfield); buttonpanel = new JPanel(); buttonpanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(8, 4, 2, 2)); boolean t = true; mr = new JButton("MR"); buttonpanel.add(mr); mr.addActionListener(this); mc = new JButton("MC"); buttonpanel.add(mc); mc.addActionListener(this); mp = new JButton("M+"); buttonpanel.add(mp); mp.addActionListener(this); mm = new JButton("M-"); buttonpanel.add(mm); mm.addActionListener(this); b1 = new JButton("1"); buttonpanel.add(b1); b1.addActionListener(this); b2 = new JButton("2"); buttonpanel.add(b2); b2.addActionListener(this); b3 = new JButton("3"); buttonpanel.add(b3); b3.addActionListener(this); b4 = new JButton("4"); buttonpanel.add(b4); b4.addActionListener(this); b5 = new JButton("5"); buttonpanel.add(b5); b5.addActionListener(this); b6 = new JButton("6"); buttonpanel.add(b6); b6.addActionListener(this); b7 = new JButton("7"); buttonpanel.add(b7); b7.addActionListener(this); b8 = new JButton("8"); buttonpanel.add(b8); b8.addActionListener(this); b9 = new JButton("9"); buttonpanel.add(b9); b9.addActionListener(this); zero = new JButton("0"); buttonpanel.add(zero); zero.addActionListener(this); plus = new JButton("+"); buttonpanel.add(plus); plus.addActionListener(this); min = new JButton("-"); buttonpanel.add(min); min.addActionListener(this); mul = new JButton("*"); buttonpanel.add(mul); mul.addActionListener(this); div = new JButton("/"); div.addActionListener(this); buttonpanel.add(div); addSub = new JButton("+/-"); buttonpanel.add(addSub); addSub.addActionListener(this); dot = new JButton("."); buttonpanel.add(dot); dot.addActionListener(this); eq = new JButton("="); buttonpanel.add(eq); eq.addActionListener(this); rec = new JButton("1/x"); buttonpanel.add(rec); rec.addActionListener(this); sqrt = new JButton("Sqrt"); buttonpanel.add(sqrt); sqrt.addActionListener(this); log = new JButton("log"); buttonpanel.add(log); log.addActionListener(this); sin = new JButton("SIN"); buttonpanel.add(sin); sin.addActionListener(this); cos = new JButton("COS"); buttonpanel.add(cos); cos.addActionListener(this); tan = new JButton("TAN"); buttonpanel.add(tan); tan.addActionListener(this); pow2 = new JButton("x^2"); buttonpanel.add(pow2); pow2.addActionListener(this); pow3 = new JButton("x^3"); buttonpanel.add(pow3); pow3.addActionListener(this); exp = new JButton("Exp"); exp.addActionListener(this); buttonpanel.add(exp); fac = new JButton("n!"); fac.addActionListener(this); buttonpanel.add(fac); clr = new JButton("AC"); buttonpanel.add(clr); clr.addActionListener(this); cont.add("Center", buttonpanel); cont.add("North", textpanel); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); if (s.equals("1")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "1"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "1"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("2")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "2"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "2"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("3")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "3"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "3"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("4")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "4"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "4"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("5")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "5"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "5"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("6")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "6"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "6"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("7")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "7"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "7"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("8")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "8"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "8"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("9")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "9"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "9"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("0")) { if (z == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "0"); } else { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "0"); z = 0; } } if (s.equals("AC")) { tfield.setText(""); x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; } if (s.equals("log")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.log(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText())); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("1/x")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = 1 / Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("Exp")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.exp(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText())); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("x^2")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.pow(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()), 2); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("x^3")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.pow(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()), 3); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("+/-")) { if (x == 0) { tfield.setText("-" + tfield.getText()); x = 1; } else { tfield.setText(tfield.getText()); } } if (s.equals(".")) { if (y == 0) { tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + "."); y = 1; } else { tfield.setText(tfield.getText()); } } if (s.equals("+")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); temp = 0; ch = '+'; } else { temp = Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); tfield.setText(""); ch = '+'; y = 0; x = 0; } tfield.requestFocus(); } if (s.equals("-")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); temp = 0; ch = '-'; } else { x = 0; y = 0; temp = Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); tfield.setText(""); ch = '-'; } tfield.requestFocus(); } if (s.equals("/")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); temp = 1; ch = '/'; } else { x = 0; y = 0; temp = Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); ch = '/'; tfield.setText(""); } tfield.requestFocus(); } if (s.equals("*")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); temp = 1; ch = '*'; } else { x = 0; y = 0; temp = Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); ch = '*'; tfield.setText(""); } tfield.requestFocus(); } if (s.equals("MC")) { m1 = 0; tfield.setText(""); } if (s.equals("MR")) { tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + m1); } if (s.equals("M+")) { if (k == 1) { m1 = Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); k++; } else { m1 += Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); tfield.setText("" + m1); } } if (s.equals("M-")) { if (k == 1) { m1 = Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); k++; } else { m1 -= Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); tfield.setText("" + m1); } } if (s.equals("Sqrt")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText())); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("SIN")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.sin(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText())); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("COS")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.cos(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText())); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("TAN")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = Math.tan(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText())); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } if (s.equals("=")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { temp1 = Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText()); switch (ch) { case '+': result = temp + temp1; break; case '-': result = temp - temp1; break; case '/': result = temp / temp1; break; case '*': result = temp * temp1; break; } tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + result); z = 1; } } if (s.equals("n!")) { if (tfield.getText().equals("")) { tfield.setText(""); } else { a = fact(Double.parseDouble(tfield.getText())); tfield.setText(""); tfield.setText(tfield.getText() + a); } } tfield.requestFocus(); } double fact(double x) { int er = 0; if (x < 0) { er = 20; return 0; } double i, s = 1; for (i = 2; i <= x; i += 1.0) s *= i; return s; } public static void main(String args[]) { try { UIManager .setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception e) { } ScientificCalculator f = new ScientificCalculator(); f.setTitle("ScientificCalculator"); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); } }