SCJP Module-1 Question-16


SCJP Module-1 Question-16

The given program tests your underspending of packages in java and also checks that how to import classes in Java.

The given program tests your underspending of packages in java and also checks that how to import classes in Java.

Given a sample code:

1 package roseindia;

2 public class ClassA {

3 public static void doSomething() {
4 System.out.println("do something");

5 // Place the statement here

6 public class ClassB {
7 public static void main(String args[]) {
8 ClassA.doSomething();

What statement you place at line number 5 for successful compilation and execution of above code?

(1) import roseindia.*;
(2) import roseindia.ClassA;
(3) import roseindia.ClassA.doSomething.*;
(4) import ClassA;


(1) or (2)


Place statement (1) or (2) both allow the ClassA method to be called from ClassB.
