In this section, you will learn how to retrieve records of table using Prepared Statement.
In this section, you will learn how to retrieve records of table using Prepared Statement.In this section, you will learn how to retrieve records of table using Prepared Statement.
Select Records :
Prepared Statement is precompiled SQL Statements which are stored in a
PreparedStatement object and you can use this object to execute this statement
many times. It is the best way to reduce execution time and improve performance.
JDBC API provides a simple way to handle the database and execute the common
sql query. Select statement is used to retrieve records from the table and
display on your console.
Example : In this example we are retrieving records from the student table whose roll no is less than 10.
package jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; class PreparedStatementSelect { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Select Records using PreparedStatement..."); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"; String dbName = "students"; String driverName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; String userName = "root"; String password = "root"; try { Class.forName(driverName); // Connecting to the database con = DriverManager.getConnection(url + dbName, userName, password); try { // Selecting records String sql = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE roll_no < ?"; statement = con.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setInt(1, 10); rs = statement.executeQuery(); System.out.println("RollNo\tName\tCourse\tLocation"); System.out.println("---------------------------------"); while ( { int roll = rs.getInt("roll_no"); String name = rs.getString("name"); String course = rs.getString("course"); String location = rs.getString("location"); System.out.println(roll + "\t" + name + "\t" + course + "\t" + location); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e); } con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Output :
Select Records using PreparedStatement... RollNo Name Course Location --------------------------------- 1 Ron MTech Sparta 2 Mandy BCA Phoneix 3 Julu MCA Singapore 4 Andru BCA Perth 6 Linda BCA NewYork 7 Lori MTech Kolkata 9 Jackson MBA London