In this discussion, We will introduce about the use of <thead> tag in html5. This tag is used to specify the group of header of the table body.
In this discussion, We will introduce about the use of <thead> tag in html5. This tag is used to specify the group of header of the table body.In this discussion, We will introduce about the use of <thead> tag in html5. This tag is used to specify the group of header of the table body. In the table we must have zero or more <tr> tag inside the <thead> tag. The <thead> tag is used in conjunction with <tbody>, <tfoot> in the <table> tag. The <thead> tag must have one or more <th> tag within <tr> tag which is nested in <thead>. The <thead> tag is the child of <table> tag and used after the <caption>, <colgroup> tag. This tag must have opening and closing tags.
the syntax of the <thead> tag is as:
<thead>One or more tr, th tag</thead> |
This tag don't have any specific attribute.
Example: thead_tag.html.
<!DOCTYPE html>Output:
Difference between html4.01 and html5.