String in Action Script3


String in Action Script3

String is a sequence of letters, numbers and other characters binding together in a single value.

String is a sequence of letters, numbers and other characters binding together in a single value.

String in Action Script3:-

String is a sequence of letters, numbers and other characters binding together in a single value. String Class is a data type, we have created a variable that have String data type and assign a literal string value in that variable. If user want to work with textual value then it can be use String class in Action Script3. In the Action Script3 , the string value represented in the double or single quotation marks.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


xmlns:mx="library://" creationComplete="init();">



private function init():void{

var str:String = "This is string.";

myText1.text = str;

str = "This is another String.";

myText2.text = str;




<s:Panel width="200" height="200" title="String Class Panel" backgroundColor="0x81B5AA">


<mx:Text id="myText1"/>

<mx:Text id="myText2"/>




In this example, we have created a variable that have String data type. It means that accept only string value. we have put a string literal as " This is string."  and set these string value in the Flex Text control that's display these value. In this example, we have discuss about how to create a string data type or String class object in Action Script3.


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