Spark Application Container in Flex4


Spark Application Container in Flex4

Spark container is define in the spark.components package. The application container is the first container of the spark components. Basically it is layout container. you can start adding the contents without using another container or adding another containers in your application.

Spark container is define in the spark.components package. The application container is the first container of the spark components. Basically it is layout container. you can start adding the contents without using another container or adding another containers in your application.

Spark Application Container in flex4:

Spark container is define in the spark.components package. The application container is the first container of the spark components. Basically it is layout container. you can start adding the contents without using another container or adding another containers in your application. The tag for the spark application container is <s:Application/> for use spark application container. Application container is the default container for the application. User can set size of that application container using width and height in pixel or  percentage values. You can set proreties backgroundColor, backgroundImage, backgroundSize, horizontalAlign, padding for the application container.


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


xmlns:mx="library://" backgroundColor="0x000000">

<s:Button label="Submit" id="Sbutton"/>


In this example you can see how to use Spark application container in flex application. And how to set property for that container.


Running Application:

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