The PlotChart Control is a MX Component. There is no Spark component.
The PlotChart Control is a MX Component. There is no Spark component.The PlotChart Control is a MX Component. There is no
Spark component. The PlotChart Control represents the each data value by a
single point. This point represents the Cartesian coordinate position along
x-axis and y-axis. You can provide the data to the chart control by using data
provider property. You will use xField, yField and radius property for series.
You can use more than one series in it. You can change the icon style by busing
itrmRenderer property.
There are some default item renderer classes:
1. BoxItemRenderer
2. CircleItemRenderer
3. CrossItemRenderer
4. DiamondItemRenderer
5. ShadowBoxItemRenderer
You can set the color by using <mx:SolidColor> and <mx:SolidColorStroke>.
The tag of PlotChart Control is <mx:PlotChart>.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"> <fx:Declarations> <s:SolidColor id="s1" color="#990000" alpha=".3"/> <s:SolidColor id="s2" color="#808080" alpha=".3"/> <s:SolidColor id="s3" color="#cc00cc" alpha=".3"/> <s:SolidColorStroke id="scs1" color="#990000" weight="2"/> <s:SolidColorStroke id="scs2" color="#808080" weight="2"/> <s:SolidColorStroke id="scs3" color="#cc00cc" weight="2"/> </fx:Declarations> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; [Bindable] public var student:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ {Stream: "Management", Girls:1000, Boys:1400, TotalStudent:2400}, {Stream: "Computer Science", Girls:800, Boys:1200, TotalStudent:2000}, {Stream: "Mechanical", Girls:200, Boys:1500, TotalStudent:1700}, {Stream: "Electical", Girls:800, Boys:850, TotalStudent:1650}, {Stream: "Electronics", Girls:500, Boys:1000, TotalStudent:1500}, {Stream: "Civil", Girls:300, Boys:900, TotalStudent:1200} ]); ]]> </fx:Script> <s:Panel title="PlotChart Control Example" width="546" height="564"> <s:layout> <s:VerticalLayout/> </s:layout> <mx:PlotChart id="pchart" dataProvider="{student}" showDataTips="true" fontFamily="verdana" width="537" height="445"> <mx:series> <mx:PlotSeries id="ps1" xField="Boys" yField="Girls" displayName="Boys/Girls" fill="{s1}" stroke="{scs1}" itemRenderer="mx.charts.renderers.CrossItemRenderer" radius="10"/> <mx:PlotSeries id="ps2" xField="TotalStudent" yField="Boys" displayName="TotalStudent/Boys" fill="{s2}" stroke="{scs2}" itemRenderer="mx.charts.renderers.DiamondItemRenderer" radius="10"/> <mx:PlotSeries id="ps3" xField="TotalStudent" yField="Girls" displayName="TotalStudent/Girls" fill="{s3}" stroke="{scs3}" itemRenderer="mx.charts.renderers.TriangleItemRenderer" radius="10"/> </mx:series> </mx:PlotChart> <mx:Legend dataProvider="{pchart}"/> </s:Panel> </s:Application> |
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