The Wipe class defines a bar wipe effect. The before and after state of the component must be visible.
The Wipe class defines a bar wipe effect. The before and after state of the component must be visible.The Wipe class defines a bar wipe effect. The before and after state of the component must be visible. This effect inherits the MaskEffect. There are four types of Wipe Effect: WipeLeft, WipeRight, WipeUp and WipeDown. The Tag of WipeLeft is <mx:WipeLeft>. The Tag of WipeRight is <mx:WipeRight>. The Tag of WipeUp is <mx:WipeUp>. The Tag of WipeDown is <mx:WipeDown>. In this example you can see how we can use Wipe Effect in your application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"> <fx:Declarations> <mx:WipeLeft id="wLeft" duration="1500"/> <mx:WipeRight id="wRight" duration="1500"/> <mx:WipeUp id="wUp" duration="1500"/> <mx:WipeDown id="wDown" duration="1500"/> </fx:Declarations> <s:Panel title="MX Wipe Effect Example" width="565" height="251" chromeColor="#000000" color="#CCCCCC"> <mx:ApplicationControlBar width="553" horizontalAlign="center"> <s:Label text="Click on image and show the effect." fontFamily="verdana" color="#000000"/> </mx:ApplicationControlBar> <s:Label text="Wipe Left" fontFamily="verdana" color="#000000" x="42" y="48"/> <s:Label text="Wipe Right" fontFamily="verdana" color="#000000" x="177" y="48"/> <s:Label text="Wipe Up" fontFamily="verdana" color="#000000" x="315" y="48"/> <s:Label text="Wipe Down" fontFamily="verdana" color="#000000" x="450" y="48"/> <mx:Image id="roseindia" source="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/image/iPhone.png')" x="10" y="68" mouseDownEffect="{wLeft}"/> <mx:Image id="roseindia1" source="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/image/iPhone.png')" x="282" y="68" mouseDownEffect="{wUp}"/> <mx:Image id="roseindia2" source="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/image/iPhone.png')" x="418" y="68" mouseDownEffect="{wDown}"/> <mx:Image id="roseindia0" source="@Embed(source='file:/C:/work/bikrant/image/iPhone.png')" x="146" y="68" mouseDownEffect="{wRight}"/> </s:Panel> </s:Application> |
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