Structures in C defines the group of contiguous (adjacent) fields, such as records or control blocks. A structure is a collection of variables grouped together under a single name. It provides an elegant and powerful way for keeping related data together.
Structures in C defines the group of contiguous (adjacent) fields, such as records or control blocks. A structure is a collection of variables grouped together under a single name. It provides an elegant and powerful way for keeping related data together.In this tutorial you will see how pointer is used with structure. This is a very important example because all data-structure program work on this principle.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
struct record
char name[20];
int roll;
struct record r,*p;
void main()
printf("\nEnter the name\n");
printf("\nEnter the roll no\n");
p=&r assign the address of object to p
*p allow the pointer to access the objects
*p.roll is same as p->roll like used in example.
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